Ministry Update snail mailed January 27, 2018

Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory
3 min readAug 9, 2018
Meeting with the Executive Leadership Team

Getting Started

We wrote this update from the Venture Center in Pasadena California where the National Office for Perspectives is located. At the time we directly mailed it out with a couple other physical materials to our support team but wanted to make the information available online for the sake of historical record.

Daniel officially began his full time work as IT Director this January and it was necessary to be on the ground here for a bit. Starting the job looks like a lot of training, planning, strategizing, and brain storming. He’s been getting trained on the intricate details of the existing website infrastructure as well as roles and responsibilities of other departments.

This passed week Daniel has been working closely with another IT team member getting trained on the processes currently in place for managing the ins and outs of the production and staging servers, the development configuration as well as procurers for existing work flows.

Also while we’re here Daniel is meeting with all the department heads to cast vision for future developments and do a lot of planning for what needs to be accomplished over this next year.

California Bound

My parents graciously gifted us tickets to Disneyland this Christmas so we stopped in Anaheim on the way here and enjoyed 2 days of fun and cuteness overload with Selah. It was a much deserved treat for her after a 24+ hour car ride from TX to CA. We all had a blast and Selah especially loved meeting the characters and giving them hugs and kisses.

The road trip here went surprisingly well with both toddler and puppy in tow. We’re staying a stones throw away from the office in a small dorm on the William Carey International University campus. Please pray for our trip back home at the end of February.

Seek God for the City / Mission Frontiers

We wanted to share these prayer booklets with you in hopes that you would join us in prayer the 40 days leading up to Palm Sunday. The scriptures and topics help us to pray beyond ourselves with passion and biblical hope. The prayer guides are written and distributed by WayMakers, a mobilization ministry based in Austin, TX founded by Steve Hawthorne who is one of the “Founding Fathers” of the Perspectives course and the Co-Editor of our Perspectives Reader. We are privileged to know Steve and be influenced by his passion for the Lord and mobilization of the Church. We hope you will
join us in united, hope-filled prayer for the transformation of our communities.

We also included a recent copy of Mission Frontiers Magazine. This is a publication by another organization within Frontier Ventures that regularly covers a wide variety of topics seeking to foster and support the global mission movement to reach the unreached.

A free pdf copy of the issue we mailed out can be found online here.



Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory

Believer. Wife. Mother of 2. I have lots to learn and enjoy sharing that journey.