Perspectives Global

Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory
2 min readOct 1, 2018

“Everywhere the Perspectives course has gone it has demonstrated a capacity to bring together the body of Christ, to unify the Church with vision around her God given purpose.”

Perspectives Global is another branch of the Perspectives movement focused around launching mobilization movements around the world. It seeks to utilize the established Perspectives curriculum as a starting point while understanding and adapting to the fact that one program will not be effective in every cultural context as is. The Global team works with leaders all around the world to establish mobilization movements similar to what God has done thus far with the USA based Perspectives course.

Perspectives Global has established programs in 9 countries:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • India
  • New Zealand
  • Nigeria
  • South Korea
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United States

They are currently working in another 15 countries with emerging programs.

The Perspectives Reader and curriculum has been translated into Spanish and is actively being used in Spanish classes in South America, Mexico and the USA. Our own Texas region was extremely excited this summer to host an all Spanish Intensive Course (the whole 15 week program in just 7 days). These Intensives are largely geared toward ministry leaders and often lead to a new local classes and church partnerships that reach and mobilize even more believers.

The Global team is currently working on a French translation and is now at 94% completion! The French translation project is extremely strategic considering it is the official language in 29 countries; second place behind English. You can support the completion of this project here.



Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory

Believer. Wife. Mother of 2. I have lots to learn and enjoy sharing that journey.