TX Summer Intensive 17

Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory
3 min readAug 23, 2017

In late July I had the great privilege of helping coordinate one of the most extensive events we put on as a region. The Summer Intensive, is just that: Intense. We take the entire 15 week Perspectives course with all it’s activities, diverse instructor line up and ministry connections and deliver it in 7 days. This class is typically geared toward pastors and ministry leaders who are better served by this 1 week, 9–5 type format rather than our normal semester long classes.

We were blessed to have such an incredible line-up of instructors teach our 38 students, from all over the country and even 1 from Canada!

Steve Hawthorne, founder of WayMakers Ministry, and Co-Editor of the Perspectives Course Reader (whom I’ve written about before) showed us from scripture that God has been steadily unfolding a plan throughout history to bring about the worship of Himself from all peoples.

Bob Blincoe of Frontiers USA shared about intercultural communication of the gospel.

Tom Lin, President of Intervarsity, taught our students about pioneer church planting among unreached peoples and how in order to do so effectively we must be able to distinguish the difference between biblical principles and our western ways of doing things.

Preparing for an eye opening cultural experience

The last couple years I have only been able to help behind the scenes with more of the administrative aspects due to Selah being so young. I was overjoyed to be able to attend the whole event this year and serve as a more integral part of the coordinating team. Serving local Perspectives classes is such a motivating and encouraging part of our work. I get to meet people from all over and hear their stories of how God is working in their lives and transforming their hearts. It is a great joy to have this opportunity to equip and mobilize more laborers for the harvest fields.

Students praying for the more than 6,992 unreached people groups in the world displayed visually on the Joshua Project Prayer Wall. Photo Cred: Krista Tidmore
Marco Murillo, Program Director for Perspectivas, the Spanish Perspectives Program
Mary Ho, International Executive Leader of All Nations Family teaching church history: The Eras and Pioneers of the World Christian Movement
Mike Cahill of Wycliffe, doing a monolingual demonstration

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Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory

Believer. Wife. Mother of 2. I have lots to learn and enjoy sharing that journey.