Wrapping up 2018

Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory
5 min readNov 25, 2018

What an incredible first year we’ve had serving the kingdom through the Perspectives ministry! God has been faithful to accomplish so much even though much of it has looked different than what we originally planned, but that certainly shouldn’t surprise us. :)

Perspectives Leaders Conference 2018

This October Daniel attended his 2nd annual Leaders Conference which is always such a special time to connect with others working all over the U.S. whom we rarely get to see in person. Several days of meetings and team building provide both a needed retreat and a refreshed vision for this coming year.

Perspectives Leaders Conference Oct. 2018 Daniel appears to be hiding :D
Daniel presenting statistics showing performance and development growth in 2018

Daniel spoke to the group about all that has happened in the IT department both good and bad during 2018. We’ve experienced some significant set backs throughout the year; some foreseen while others caught us by surprise. We’re very proud of everything the IT team has managed to accomplish so far!

One big win to highlight includes reducing our server costs by HALF while improving the overall performance 10x!

Significant improvements of 2018!
Performance and Security Improvements

We’ve also been able to lay much more of the foundation necessary to begin moving over to PSP 2.0 than we expected at the start of the year. PSP 2.0 is the new online infrastructure we’re building that modernizes and separates our current monolithic legacy app into updated or entirely new micro-services. This will ultimately allow for far greater performance, extensibility, and simple upgrading as technology progresses in the future.

Daniel and Steve Hawthorne waiting for their flights home

It’s an extreme understatement to say that Daniel was pumped up and ready for another year when he came home! It seems the others attending were also really excited about the progress made and the vision for the future even if they only understood a fraction of Daniel’s tech speak!

“People only understood about half of what you said, but it was enough for them to realize this was the real deal.” — Steve Hawthorne

In other random news

On Route 66 coming home from the National office

Daniel took another short trip out to Pasadena, CA in August. He flew out to spend 2 great days at the national office having some face to face time with the leadership team. He then drove back home with Mike our Director of Operations. We are so blessed to have such great leaders and time in person is always a gift from the Lord!

Known as the Way Annual Board Meeting Dinner

Many of you might not be aware, but Daniel also serves as VP on the board of directors for another ministry based in SE Asia, Known as the Way. We love being able to gather together once a year for dinner and fellowship in person.

We’re expecting this baby boy any day now! I certainly never expected to still be pregnant at this point since Selah came 2 weeks early, but he is determined to stay put it seems. We enjoyed a low key Thanksgiving with my family here in DFW and celebrated God’s goodness as we have so very much to be thankful for. Earlier this month we were able to spend a night away in Ft. Worth and help promote Known as the Way at a church partner’s Sunday gatherings. This also provided us a short little babymoon and some time to spend connecting before we morph into a family of 4! Selah is so excited to meet her long awaited baby brother, though I’m sure she’ll be a bit disappointed to find out he won’t be much of an immediate playmate.

Halloween fun at a local pumpkin patch with our “Fall Pumpkin Fairy”

Prayer Requests

A few major things come to mind that we’d love our prayer partners to petition the Lord with us about.

  • Obviously the most immediate being labor and delivery of our son and our family’s transition to life with a newborn. Especially for Selah as she is sure to struggle with having less of mom’s attention for a while.
  • Growth of the IT Team for Perspectives! One of our biggest hinderances is simply not having enough people to get the job done. Pray the Lord would raise up volunteers with the necessary skill sets to help develop and support this major technology transition.
  • Financial support for this next year. As we both grow our family and begin to run low on our reserves we realize the need to continue raising support and we hope to find a few more people willing to join our monthly partnership team. Please pray with us as we continue to talk to people about the work we are doing. Though it may not be flashy and exciting boots on the ground type work, we are serving God where he’s called us using the skill set he’s given us to mobilize hundreds of new missionary workers to reach the unreached through the Perspectives movement.



Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory

Believer. Wife. Mother of 2. I have lots to learn and enjoy sharing that journey.