[Newsletter] Ever turned your pillow to the cool side? Here’s why

Plus, what happens when you give up coffee

Walter Adamson
Body Age Buster


4 min readNov 15, 2020


Photo by Andrés Gómez on Unsplash

My weekly three best insights from me, Medium and the web to help you live longer better.

Healthy skin means healthy arteries and tendons— see item #3.

Thinking of giving up coffee, here’s what to expect — item #2. (Here’s a pro-tip that you won’t find elsewhere — get the benefits of coffee without the caffeine by eating fenugreek.)

Want to sleep better? The answer may lie in a different type of pillow, keep reading —

From around Medium…

1. Ever turned your pillow to the cool side? That’s instinct …

If you’re like me you’ve never heard of a cooling pillow. Of perhaps you’ve seen ads and thought “marketing”. To my surprise, there is science behind it.

After midnight our melatonin level plunges. This causes a dampening of the central nervous system (CNS) and a slight lowering of our core temperature. This sequence is the natural path to a good night’s rest and recovery.

If our pillow causes our head to heat up then this stimulates our CNS and causes restlessness. That’s when we toss the pillow to the cool side. Cooling pillows aim to disperse the heat. Make sense? It does to me, now.

As we age. our melatonin production decreases and our circadian rhythm becomes less acute. This leads to poorer sleep. A cooling pillow may help.

My post: What The Heck Is A Cooling Pillow And Does It Matter?

2. Weighing up the pros and cons of giving up coffee

This Medium post was timely as I had just read about the health benefits of coffee. Oliver G. Calubayan explains all the benefits he felt by giving up coffeeWhat Happened When I Quit Drinking Coffee For One Year.

Here’s what he found by quitting the caffeine habit:

  • Better quality of sleep
  • Increased productivity
  • Better mood
  • Healthier teeth and fresher breath
  • Can take naps midday.

Although, it turned out that these benefits were not compelling enough for Oliver to quit forever.

Although I love my afternoon siesta, I can’t deny that drinking coffee has its benefits, as well (especially on my workout and my weight), which is why I decided to start drinking coffee again (I also didn’t want to miss out on all those antioxidants, as too). — Oliver G. Calubayan.

What this means for us: It means for us what it meant for Oliver. Find a balance that works for you, not too much, not too late, and not because you’re bored. Luckily, you don’t have to stop drinking coffee for a year to work this out.

The article: What Happened When I Quit Drinking Coffee For One Year.

Related: ​Drink This Many Cups Of Coffee Daily For Better Health

👉 Here is my collection of posts about food which will also help you.

From the web …

3. Five tips for healthier skin — our skin reflects our inside health

The skin is one of our most important defence systems — keeping moisture in our body and protecting us from toxins in the water and air, ultraviolet rays, bacteria and viruses. This Mayo Clinic article explains how to keep it healthy.

As we age our skin becomes thinner and drier. It becomes more prone to tearing and splitting — increasing the risk that germs can get inside the body.

External care includes using petroleum jelly, creams, oils, and humectants — especially those containing hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C. These are most effective if applied right after hand washing or bathing. Dietary skin support comes from eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins — and drinking enough water.

What this means for us: We take our skin for granted, but a little attention can keep it far healthier. It’s biggest enemies are smoking and lack of exercise. Both lead to degraded collagen and elastin — the fibres that give our skin strength and elasticity. The result is more than skin deep. Skin health reflects the health of collagen and elastin in our vascular system — stiff arteries and higher blood pressure — and our musculoskeletal system — inflexibility, stiff and sore tendons and ligaments. Beyond exercise, eat blackcurrants or blackcurrant extract (3%).

Related: Why I Eat The Whole Orange — Here’s Why You Should Too

Questions, just HIT REPLY, love to hear from you.

Wishing you a safe and active week,
Walter ⭑Keep Moving⭑ Adamson ⭑Top Food Writer

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Walter Adamson
Body Age Buster

Optimistically curious, 70+ trail runner; 2X cancer; diabetic; Click “FOLLOW” for living longer better tips | My Newsletter 👉 newsletter.walteradamson.com