The Failings of Body Language

Sean Maurer
Body Language Skills
3 min readMar 2, 2018

Body language, as I have noted in previous posts, is a powerful tool. Unfortunately, body language doesn’t convey enough information in many professional scenario’s.

A hard concept for him to swallow!

Where nonverbal communication fails and words succeed:

Definite meaning: Unfortunately, body language communicates broad concepts and ideas and cannot replace a precise “Yes” or a “No”. If you disagree with someone or have something to say, don’t let your body do the talking, speak! If you are precise in communication outside and inside the workplace that will improve that quality of your life.

Confronting Failure: The only thing that nonverbal communication can do in this scenario is show that you are not pleased- that is not enough. To correct an error in the workplace, you should first make sure that what is expected of you and others is clear. Without knowing what it is they must do it is unlikely that anyone will please their boss. Second, make sure that all parties involved have the required resources because no one can always meet demands if they are ill-supplied. Lastly, make it known that there will be consequences for continued poor performance and rewards for exceeding expectations.

Body language isn’t useless though. Rachel Beohm, a fellow blogger in the area of nonverbal communication, recommends, (2018, Feb. 13) When you start to hear irritation in your voice, use it as a sign that something is wrong. Diagnose the problem, then be direct and clear about expectations and consequences. [Web log post]. Retrieved from timesnonverbal-communicati on-falls-short-cffc8bac62ac. This insight displays the use of body language when confronting failure: a gauge that will tell you how you feel about the performance of others. If you learn to interpret the symptoms you show when you are not satisfied, you will be more likely to act and improve the environment around you.

Appraisal: Though good body language is helpful in this category, it is not as important as words. Words are so important because when others perform, they seek gratification for their deeds- there is nothing like a sincere “Thank you” to encourage others to work hard.

These are all of the weak spots of body language that I’m aware of. If you know of others be sure to comment!

Be sure to check out Rachel Beohm’s page at:

