And When You Think You Can’t Have Diabetes, Ask Tom Hanks

“I’m a total idiot” — according to the star himself

I, Napoleon B.
Published in
7 min readOct 23, 2022


And When You Think You Can’t Have Diabetes, Ask Tom Hanks
Wikimedia + Canva

I had quite a scare.

Am I dying? I got ‘it’ again — The Big “C” not cancer but the “Covid-19.” The good thing about being a writer is that I work from home. And I only go out if needed. Yes, I’m on home quarantine.

I also gained weight. Aging? You tell me, now that I’m 53. So, I decided to check my blood sugar and the last time I did was months ago — it was above normal.

And lo and behold,

I got 250.
I got 350.

I’m definitely dying. And is this the answer to my quietly quitting life?

Should I go to the ER?
I’m sure they will not only quarantine me, but I will have to be admitted.

I would rather sit out and die at home.

But maybe the glucose meter is broken? It hasn't been used for so long or the blood glucose monitoring strips have expired, or the batteries are dead.

So, I took a long deep breath, even if it was difficult. And called the pharmacy to see if they could deliver a new blood glucose meter.



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: https://square.link/u/5EZrNONS