How I Dealt With Being Catfished

And I knew it the first time he left me a message

I, Napoleon B.
Published in
5 min readOct 4, 2020


How I Dealt With Being Catfished. In photo, man pressed against the wall.
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

The pandemic made me long for someone. It was three years ago when I was ghosted by my partner of three years. While it was a heartbreaking experience, I have learned to grow from that pain. I moved forward, not moved on.

One thing is sure, accept that people change, and so are their feelings. You can’t force anyone to love you or not stop loving you.

In the middle of the pandemic, I am stuck at home. I am a full-time caregiver to my mom, something maybe later I can fully share with you. But here is a story on how I dealt with being catfished.

I’m a proud gay man, and I met my last boyfriend on Grindr. So yes, for some reason, it worked for me, and don’t throw shade on me, fellow queens.

How I Dealt With Being Catfished. In photo two gay men.
Photo by Christian Buehner on Unsplash

Every man I met on Grindr was generally pleasant, some you don’t see or hear after your first encounter, and that is fine. However, be ready with your expectations, and you will come out of the dating app unharmed and whole.

How I met my catfisher



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: