More Black Pregnant Women Died During the Start of the Pandemic

A sad statistic.

I, Napoleon B.
1 min readFeb 24, 2022


Photo by Andre Adjahoe on Unsplash

They say in our culture, a woman who gets pregnant has one foot inside her grave.

Even with all the advancements in science, women still die from childbirth—a sad reality.

But during the height of the pandemic, more black pregnant women died. There isn't much of an explanation. Still, we all knew that in 2020, most hospitals are like a war zone, between taking care of Covid-19 patients and the uncertainty of exactly how one gets infected.

Many doctors couldn't see many of their regular patients, including pregnant women.

Maternal Deaths Rose During the First Year of the Pandemic

Deaths during pregnancy and the first six weeks after childbirth increased, especially for Black and Hispanic women, according to a new report.

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I, Napoleon B.

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