Health & Fitness

What a No Starch Rule Does to Your Body, Queen Elizabeth II Lived by That Rule

My 30-day no starch diet challenge

Moria Rees
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2022


What a No Starch Rule Does to Your Body, Queen Elizabeth II Lived by That Rule

In her death, the Queen is celebrated. And we want to know more about her life posthumously. The kind of life she lived and for some — the food that the monarch ate throughout her life.

For someone who lived until 96, it is safe to say she followed a healthy diet. If you are curious as to what her diet was, there was nothing special except she had this one rule — the No starch rule.

How a Starch-Free Diet Can Change Your Life in 30 Days

Everyone is looking for ways to be healthier, which is why there is so much buzz around cutting out processed foods, sugar, and from the way, the Queen ate — to have no starch at dinners, and that is without saying,

No french fries for you, Prince George

Just Kidding. I’m sure the Queen was a doting great grandmama to Prince George and the rest of…



Moria Rees

Social Media Manager. Citizen of the Earth. she/her