Celebrity Health & Fitness

What Does Losing 100 Pounds Do for Your Body, Ask Adele

“My body’s been objectified my entire career” — Adele

I, Napoleon B.
Published in
6 min readApr 28, 2022


What Does Losing 100 Pounds Do for Your Body, Ask Adele
Source: Screenshot Adele Instagram, composite photo using Canva.

When Adele sat down for an exclusive interview with Oprah, she said —

“I was body-positive then and I’m body-positive now. It’s not my job to validate how people feel about their bodies. … I’m trying to sort my own life out.”

What losing 100 pounds looks like

You only need to go through Adele’s Instagram account to see what losing 100 pounds looks like but it is only her who can tell you how it feels like.

When Adele made her appearance on SNL, She even made a joke about it in her opening monologue.

“I know I look really, really different since you last saw me,” Adele said. “But actually, because of all the Covid restrictions…I had to travel light and I could only bring half of me, and this is the half I chose.”

But for celebrities like Adele, people would have an opinion about her body regardless if she gained or lost weight. The same goes for male celebrities like Will Smith when he lost 20 pounds.

And in the same interview with Oprah, she feels bad that some women felt that she ‘betrayed’…



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: https://square.link/u/5EZrNONS