What is Body of Hope?

Mia Sutton
Body of Hope
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2020

Body of Hope is a publication about… well, bodies. Why? Because all bodies are beautiful and deserve to be celebrated. Bodies have long been the source of shame for many people for many reasons, and Body of Hope aims to eliminate that shame by providing a loving, appreciative space to talk about what our bodies have been through, what we’ve learned from them, what we’ve overcome, and more.

All people are welcome to share their stories here — no matter your age, your gender/sexual identity, your race, your abled/disabled status, etc. So much happens in our worlds every single day, and our bodies are witnesses to it all. So, let’s talk about them. Send in your poetry, artwork, and creative nonfiction about bodies. Disclaimer: stories that shame, fetishize, or otherwise malign the bodies of others will not be tolerated here.

Body of Hope is founded by me, Mia Sutton, a writer, editor, blogger, and survivor of body trauma. For years, I’ve wanted to talk about bodies because they are literally our homes from our first breath to our last. Bodies fascinate me; from puberty to pregnancy to sexuality to medical conditions to the effects of body/sexual trauma to body image — there’s beauty wrapped up in all the lessons we can learn from our bodies as human beings.

