Chairs Have Become Our Greatest Foes and Best Companions

How to make the relationship with your sitting chum a healthy one.

Tami Bulmash
Body Wisdom


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Chairs create an interesting conundrum: when you see one, you want to sit in it, but once you’re sitting, you can’t wait to get out. No matter how fancy or cozy they claim to be — even those luxe or ergonomic chairs that cost a fortune — after 1, 2, 3…or 8 hours in them, you can’t take the actual sitting part out of the equation.

Why is it no matter how often you shift positions, cross your legs, sway, rock, lean forward, lean back, arch your back, slouch, use a cushion under, to the side, behind..…just hoping to find the perfect spot that feels just right, that comfy sensation flees just as quickly as it came?

Take a moment to think about something pretty rudimentary to offer some perspective: is the body designed to sit for long periods of time? By the looks of the size of our ischial tuberosity (sitting bones), that would be a no.

Back in the days when survival depended upon hunting and gathering, humans didn’t need to rely on their sitz bones so heavily. But as the foragers advanced and lifestyles changed, the waking hours became increasingly more sedentary.



Tami Bulmash
Body Wisdom

I write and teach about the mind-body connection and its relationship to health and well-being. More at