Connect your heart and head in less than 60 seconds

Heena Purohit
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2017

I recently started practicing the quick heart coherence technique and can say that I can feel a difference in my energy levels and mood already. Its a simple, quick, and yet powerful breathing technique and can be practiced any time and at any place. Because of its effectiveness, I wanted to share it with all of you.

Why practice heart coherence technique?

When your heart and head are connected, you can finally live outside your head, and feel your best, perform your best and enable your body to perform at its best from within.

The cranial brain and the heart brain operate interdependently from one another. Neurologists have found that the heart sends 90% more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart.

This shows that in most situations involving connecting and engaging with society, relationships, people, etc., we’re always analyzing, thinking, judging, etc. from the cranial brain only. The heart coherence technique is a simple way to help us consciously get out of our heads and be more connected with our hearts.

How to practice the Heart Coherence Technique?
This two-step technique needs to be built into a practice to observe optimum results.

Step 1: Heart-focused breathing

Place your focus and attention in the area of your heart (located at the center of your body). If it helps, you can even place your hand on it to increase awareness of the area.

Feel your heartbeat and take a couple of deep and slow breaths — each time, pretending like you’re breathing through the heart area.

Continue breathing till you find a natural rhythm that feels good to you.

Step 2: Heart feeling

This step involves activating or renewing positive emotions through the heart.

Think about a time when you were appreciative, compassionate or happy — some renewing happy emotion — and you need to feel it, not just think about it.

An example of such a thought could be a special place you went to, or love you feel for a special person, family or pet.

This thought will help you shift your brain waves to feel through your heart, and enter into the state of heart coherence.

Scientific Benefits of practicing the Heart Coherence Technique

This technique has been proven to help individuals reduce stress levels, feel calm and positive, improve daily performance, and help hormone and emotion regulation.

Over time, thinking through the heart will also help you increase creativity, access your intuition and higher-level decision making.

For the science junkies out there, practicing heart coherence has been proven to help produce more vitality hormones and activate the parasympathetic nervous system, making you more relaxed. For a more detailed scientific backing, refer to the link here.



Heena Purohit

Product Leader @IBM Incubation Lab. LinkedIn Top AI Voice. On a mission to improve the AI gender diversity gap. Outside work, I can be found petting random dogs