Connecting the Dots

Between fellow travellers of good karma

A mote of dust
Bohemia / Aranyaka
2 min readJun 23, 2024


© writer

The clearest of truths resonate with honest humans.

Where the basic instinct is to evolve, to be better, these truths help in clarifying visions and palates of the eager.

Indian Hindu mystic and spiritual-religious guru Ramakrishna Paramahansa (1836–1886) had lived as if emulating the art of a celestially blessed, brilliant swan — dipping its beak in a cesspool of filth only to filter milk, floating with divine grace in a relentlessly murky swamp.

Centuries ago… the last of the Five Good Emperors of Rome, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121AD — 180AD), a Stoic philosopher, had famously etched in his personal diary as a note to self — be alert and pick up only the good, discarding what is deemed to be unfit to be added to one’s repertoire; be humble enough to acknowledge that which each passing being teaches, both the good — and the bad.

In my puny efforts at studying the lives and works of the Giants among Men, I’ve often felt déjà vu.

In Bengali there’s a saying — Various saints, various paths.

All those pathways are paved with truths. The truths are essentially simple.

Elemental blocks of spiritual transcendence and transformation — I’ve time and again found these truths studding the eclectic saints’ roads — like conspiquously-hued bricks, instantly discernible in the veracity of their first principles.

We are all fellow travellers of good karma, our paths are star-crossed.

A note to self

© writer

Stupidity is loud. In this wonderland, most of us are Alices.
Wisdom is quiet. Like a fruited tree it bows to the earth, to the sky.
Wisdom is slow..

and as many of us are aware of —

Slow is smooth.
And smooth is fast.

Make haste slowly 🍀

A mote of dust is a Bohemian gardener, a wildlife watcher, and a student of the Arts. Subscribe



A mote of dust
Bohemia / Aranyaka

I write about the other living things, and my life. Gardener, wildlife watcher.