Streamlining BOI Reporting: 5 common challenges in BOI Reporting and How to Solve them.

Simplify your BOI reporting process with practical solutions! Learn how to overcome five common challenges efficiently.

BOI Reporting

As businesses strive to uphold transparency and comply with anti-money laundering regulations, reporting Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) is paramount. However, accurately collecting and reporting BOI data presents its own unique set of challenges. These challenges include identifying actual beneficial owners and company applicants, manoeuvring through diverse international regulations, and the potential risk of non-compliance. In this blog, we will examine five common challenges encountered in BOI reporting and provide practical solutions to help direct and overcome these issues effectively.

Addressing Common Hurdles in Beneficial Ownership Reporting

Companies are now required to comply with beneficial ownership reporting requirements, but the process can be complex and challenging. Identifying the actual beneficial owners within complicated ownership structures, ensuring accuracy in data reporting, and staying updated with varying regulatory standards across jurisdictions are common hurdles. Let’s look into the common challenges in BOI reporting:

Challenge 1: Discovering Key Beneficial Owners

Identifying beneficial owners in Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting presents numerous challenges, mainly due to the intricate nature of ownership structures and the potential for individuals or entities to obscure their ownership interests. According to the CTA, a beneficial owner is someone who either exercises substantial control over the company as a key decision-maker or owns a minimum of 25% of company interests, with these criteria tailored to individual circumstances. To simplify the process of identifying beneficial owners, follow these steps:

  • Identify the primary business leaders actively managing the company and making crucial decisions.
  • Determine the total number of individuals holding ownership stakes within the business.
  • Identify owners possessing 25% or more ownership interests in the company.
  • Compile a comprehensive list of all pertinent, beneficial owners and gather requisite information for reporting purposes. This information should include their complete name, residential address, date of birth, and identification number sourced from a valid ID document. Ensure the provided IDs are current and can be a U.S.-issued driver’s license, ID card, passport, or a foreign one. Additionally, include a clear photo of the ID for verification purposes.

Challenge 2: Managing Complex Ownership Structure.

Guiding by the new BOI laws and reporting requirements can be incredibly challenging for companies with complex ownership structures. Smaller businesses with simple ownership and decision-making processes may find reporting easier, but larger enterprises with multiple owners and intricate structures face significant hurdles.

To overcome these challenges, it’s crucial to maintain thorough and accurate records of shareholders and document the business’s ownership structure meticulously. This detailed approach brings transparency to the often concealed arrangements within large corporations and helps identify even minor changes in ownership percentages. Consistent and ongoing monitoring is vital for tracking changes in ownership structures and ensuring that the most up-to-date information is reported.

Challenge 3: Unresponsive Clients

Addressing unresponsive clients poses a significant obstacle in Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting. Timely and accurate data collection is crucial for BOI compliance, but when clients fail to respond, it can threaten the entire BOI reporting process. Unresponsive clients can cause significant delays in collecting required information, leading to missed deadlines and potential non-compliance with FinCEN regulatory requirements. Without timely responses, the information gathered may be incomplete, which can compromise the accuracy of the BOI reports. This incomplete data can also hinder the identification of beneficial owners and company applicants. Persistent follow-ups and pressure for information can strain the relationship between the company and its clients, potentially leading to dissatisfaction or loss of business.

Challenge 4: Understanding the BOI Reporting Requirements

Understanding and adhering to the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirements set forth by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) can be a formidable task for businesses, especially those lacking legal expertise. The guidelines provided in resources like the “Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Requirements Small Entity Compliance Guide” are thorough and detailed, designed to ensure transparency and compliance with anti-money laundering regulations. However, following these guidelines can be overwhelming for individuals or businesses without a law or regulatory compliance background.

Challenge 5:Keeping BOI Information Current

The new beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting requirement requires companies to update their reports when beneficial ownership information changes consistently. This means that reporting companies must file new reports whenever such changes occur. It’s crucial to highlight the limitations of FinCEN’s reporting system, as it does not facilitate access to previously stored filing data for making necessary corrections and updates. This situation may lead to a bulky process of re-entering data, which could consume considerable time and resources.

Discovering a Reliable BOI Filing Solution

Tackling the challenges of Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting for businesses can prove tedious, particularly given the need for continuous BOI filings whenever changes occur in beneficial ownership details. This evolving nature of reporting underscores the necessity for a dependable solution that ensures adherence to FinCEN regulations and simplifies the reporting procedure. This is where TaxBandits steps in.

TaxBandits presents a complete BOI filing solution tailored to address reporting entities’ unique challenges. With TaxBandits, businesses can submit updated or corrected BOI reports whenever alterations arise in beneficial ownership data, ensuring ongoing compliance with BOI reporting mandates. Setting it apart from other systems, TaxBandits stores the data securely, facilitating seamless corrections and updates without the stress of time-consuming data re-entry.

How TaxBandits Streamlines the BOI Filing Solution for Business

TaxBandits is an efficient BOI filing solution for businesses, offering a variety of exceptional features. Whether you need to correct or update your BOI report, extract information from your address book, or establish reliable record-keeping solutions, TaxBandits provides everything you need for accurate and efficient BOI filing.

1. Easy and Secure Solution: TaxBandits offers a simple and secure solution for businesses to file BOIs. It guides you through the process with clear instructions and helpful information to ensure the accurate completion of the BOI report.

2. Client Portal: Easily communicate and exchange information with your clients using our customizable client portal, which can be tailored to reflect your brand identity. You can securely share documents and messages in a personalized environment to ensure security and professionalism. This will enhance your client experience and strengthen your brand presence.

3. Address Book: Quickly access client data from our address book feature, eliminating the need for manual data entry and streamlining the BOI reporting process. With seamless integration, file BOI reports instantly and efficiently, saving time and ensuring accuracy in your compliance efforts.

4. Invite Beneficial Owners via Secure Link: TaxBandits offers a secure and efficient way for beneficial owners to share links and submit information easily. Our streamlined process guarantees confidentiality and accuracy in BOI reporting while fostering better communication.

5. Free Resubmission for Rejection: If your BOI report is rejected, you can promptly correct any errors and resubmit your reports to FinCEN at no additional cost. This streamlined process is designed to guarantee compliance and precision in your reporting endeavours, effectively reducing any potential interruptions in your BOI filing procedures.

6. Record Keeping: All the BOI reports you submit to FinCEN will be available in your account for years. This is a significant benefit, considering the many changes a business can undergo over its lifetime. This information will not be lost, even if there is a change in ownership or management. In the event of an audit, you will have easy access to the BOI report you need.

7. Status Update: After submitting your BOI Report to FinCEN, TaxBandits keeps you informed about its status, ensuring you stay updated throughout the process. This proactive approach provides peace of mind and ensures timely awareness of any developments in your BOI reporting journey.

8. AI-Powered ID Data Extraction: TaxBandits employs advanced AI-powered technology to enhance the process of extracting essential data from identification documents for beneficial owners and company applicants. This technology leverages sophisticated algorithms and machine learning models to accurately and efficiently process various ID documents, such as U.S. passports, state driver’s licenses, Identification documents issued by a state or local government, and foreign passports.

The Bottom Line

TaxBandits offers a simple and efficient solution for filing the Beneficial Ownership Information Report as mandated by the Corporate Transparency Act. This legislation aims to enhance transparency and combat activities like money laundering by requiring certain U.S. businesses to report their beneficial ownership details to FinCEN. TaxBandits streamlines the process, providing businesses with a secure and effective way to fulfil these legal obligations. By using TaxBandits, businesses can support FinCEN’s broader goals of improving compliance and safeguarding the financial system’s integrity.



TaxBandits - Payroll & Employment Tax Filings
BOI Reporting

TaxBandits is the leading IRS Authorized e-file provider for Payroll and Employment forms (1099, W-2, 94x, ACA 1095, W-9), and BOI Reporting.