Twitch wages war against gambling

Matt Eng
Boil It Down Gaming
2 min readSep 21, 2022

This story about games of chance, boiled down, in 1:17 minutes.

What’s the fuss?

The top live streaming platform in the world will eventually ban one of its most popular categories after outcry to do so from its top talent.

The situation

Twitch is truly an one-of-a-kind place where you can literally watch anything — even people spend loads of money gambling.

Twitch has recently made an announcement of its plans to formally ban gambling on the platform — almost.

  • Twitch will prohibit streamers from using popular gambling sites that “aren’t licensed either in the US or other jurisdictions that provide sufficient consumer protection”.
  • Sports betting, fantasy sports, and poker will still be permitted.

Boiling it down

The vapid rise of gambling on Twitch has been wildly controversial, with many heralding this drastic action from management.

On the other hand, some see this ban as both an overreaction a point of hypocrisy.

  • Some say that the ban should be focused on some individual streamers who promise this “fake reality” and incentivize the use of promo codes that force viewers to gamble.
  • Others say that Twitch has some other “unsavoury” categories that should warrant a similar response — but haven’t.

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