Why Diane is NOT going to die in Season 6 of BoJack Horseman

BoJack Hidden Jokes
4 min readJun 12, 2019

First published on @bojackhiddenjokes. All images are courtesy from Netflix.

Ok. It’s time. Let’s talk about that PRINCESS DIANA THEORY everyone's talking about and why, in my opinion, that is NOT a foreshadow, but instead, a recurring joke of the show.

To prove that, we need to go back a bit.

If we analyze in the order of the episodes, the first mention we have about the Princess Diana JOKE (and not foreshadow) happens at #BJs01e05, by one of her brothers:

#BJs01e05 (thanks @goldie_rose98)

The second happens during #BJs02e03, by Princess Carolyn.


Chronologically, the conspiracy theory started in #BJs03e02. During a flashback in which it seems to appear the first time that Diane demonstrated an interest in Mr. Peanutbutter. He calls her by Diana instead of Diane, which shows that even at that time, he didn’t care enough to listen to what she was saying. RED FLAG, GIRL, RED FLAG.


Anyway, still on Season 3, in #BJs03e11, during that epic drug bender that ended up killing Sarah Lynn, BoJack mixes a lot of the names to come up with Princess Diane. And sure, that sounds as much as a JOKE as Mr. Carolyn.


And they even repeat it after some time!

#BJs03e11 (thanks @robonedge)

Two seasons go by and we end up in #BJs05e07, with an ENTIRE episode about that joke. Well, it’s mostly about BoBo, the angsty Zebra, but which better way to describe Diane than in the obvious disguise of PRINCESS DIANA?!


And you know the best part? For me, the answer comes out of the mouth of Dr. Indira: “It’s not actually Princess Diana. She’s just named Diana.” like in “HEY, DON’T TAKE THIS TOO LITERALLY, ‘KAY?”


The last scene we have to analyze is from #BJs05e12, which presents us a very introspective Diane.


She's driving away from BoJack, who’s in rehab and it’s kind of hard to read her feelings during that moment. Is she sad to be away from him? Is she worried about what rehab will do to him? Is she FINALLY thinking about herself and everything she needs to figure out about her life now that BoJack is out of the picture? I really hope so. But that doesn’t mean the first episode of season six is going to start with a car crash on that tunnel as it happened to Princess Diana.

And yeah, the short hair resembles Diana’s hair and even the divorce is something that they have in common, but, c’mon, let’s dig a bit deeper to think about why Princess Diana is a great reference to have around on BoJack Horseman.

First, you know the weirdest thing about Princess Diana’s death? Media claimed that she was killed by paparazzi BUT, a later investigation showed that the car crash was caused by the driver, who lost control of the car because we were under the effect of, guess what? Prescription drugs.

So, if that’s some sort of foreshadow, it only indicates that fame can hurt BoJack if he doesn’t get clean. And for me, it makes a lot of sense to have her around the series. A story by Newsweek said,

“Her fame was her most valuable possession; it enabled her to draw attention to causes she cared about. But it was also her curse. “The higher the media put you,” she said, “the bigger the drop.” (…) The consummate celebrity of the 1980s and ’90s, she knew how to play the game. Americans loved her and her fascination with pop culture; it seemed only appropriate that she once danced with John Travolta in the Reagan White House.”

Sounds a lot like the themes BoJack approaches, huh? So I’d rather see her presence in a big picture, much more than in a “copy-paste” for a character’s death. The show is better than that.

But, who knows? I’m just speculating here. Your turn.



BoJack Hidden Jokes

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