Bojagi is now in Open Beta!

Simon Males
Published in
3 min readJan 19, 2021

Firstly, what is Bojagi?

Bojagi is a communication tool that synchronises designer feedback directly into the front-end development workflow.

Learning from the standard code review process, Bojagi enables designers to contribute visual reviews based on the interactions of real web components, skipping the need for dedicated staging/QA/test environments.

How does Bojagi do this?

Bojagi integrates with GitHub, detecting changed components, and renders them live on the web. Components are ready for testing as soon as the developer creates a pull request on GitHub. Designers, product managers, or QA engineers can interact with these new components to approve them or leave constructive feedback.

With Bojagi, designers are empowered to provide critical feedback within the software development lifecycle, speeding up feedback loops overall:

Bojagi allows designers to provide feedback sooner

A full list of implemented components, varied in their complexity, can be inspected and commented on.

Inspect and comment on newly developed Bojagi components
Inspect and comment on newly developed components

Annotate + Comment

Place yourself in the following scenario: As a designer, my developer has shared a Bojagi link with me, containing all of the changed components that I should provide feedback on. But wait, I see an error! Let’s give them a heads up that the Button component needs a bit of love.

Annotate a component and attach a comment


Great news, all of the components are looking great! Let’s inform the developer that these components are ready from a UI/UX point of view. We can approve the components directly in Bojagi.

The approval is automatically synchronised with GitHub, so there’s no need to ping the developer directly.

Components are approved directly within Bojagi

Bojagi starts Open Beta program

Bojagi is open for all! Go to and register with your GitHub account. During beta, Bojagi is free to whoever wants to try. We’re looking forward to your feedback! You can reach us on Twitter, Slack, or E-Mail.

Introduction video

Not convinced? Check out the below demo we’ve put together to see Bojagi in action.

Bojagi open beta video

Bojagi, build great UIs faster with confidence

Reduce development cycles by enabling designers to give feedback early. Bojagi lets you review your React components before they get merged.

Follow us on Twitter for further Bojagi updates:

Sign up now for the open beta, it’s free for everyone!

