How to build a culture of trust through pay transparency

Jen Frances
Bold Ambition Magazine


With a whopping 85% of people unhappy in their jobs, it’s no wonder many experience Sunday night dread. In fact, a recent survey showed that a staggering four out of five respondents had a bad night’s sleep on a Sunday, worried about going to work the next day.

This anxiety and unhappiness could be down to a heavy workload or toxic colleagues, but Rameez Kaleem believes the reason many of us dread going to work is because there’s a lack of trust and transparency in the workplace.

Rameez is founder and managing director of 3R Strategy, an independent, specialist pay and reward consultancy that works with various organisations to help them develop a widespread culture of pay transparency.

In A Case of the Mondays, Rameez explains how pay transparency can help breed trust in the workplace, using engaging illustrations, practical tips and relatable examples to bring the concept to life. The book breaks down how by investing in a culture where employees trust their leaders and colleagues trust each other, organisations establish a fair and inclusive environment with happy and engaged employees.

Often, the term ‘pay transparency’ is misunderstood as simply the act of publishing salaries, but its importance runs much deeper. Pay transparency in action gives essential context about how pay decisions are made. Most people are not concerned about others’ wages, only that their employer is explicit about how and why their policies are fair.

Some business leaders may feel wary about how pay transparency could influence the reputation of their organisation, but in A Case of the Mondays, Rameez dispels these concerns. The book breaks down why employees’ productivity and motivation are not reduced by such conversations and empowers leaders with a roadmap to integrate transparency across their business.

In A Case of the Mondays, Rameez outlines the misunderstandings surrounding pay and why greater transparency on the topic is necessary and beneficial. Cutting through the academic explanations, Rameez provides step-by-step instructions that HR teams and business leaders can use to build a culture of trust, collaboration and productivity through pay.

A Case of the Mondays is an ideal read for all, no matter their background. It’s an eye-opener for employees, and a blueprint for leaders. Rameez recognises that the pay transparency journey is different for each organisation, dependent on the starting position and the culture already in place. Throughout the book, he shows that achieving pay transparency is a gradual process, requiring careful consideration and clear communication, but that overall, it’s simple — to build trust, all you need to do is tell the truth.

A Case of the Mondays is published by Rethink Press.

