5 Best Widget Types for Data Visualization

Ragavan Angamuthu
Bold BI
Published in
8 min readJul 11, 2019
5 Best Widget Types for Data Visualization

Data visualization organizes and represents data in a graphical format. Its goal is to make data easy to understand. Data visualization allows business leaders to evaluate product performance, understand business activities, track customer satisfaction and product sales, and monitor project progress. To visualize key performance indicators (KPIs), you must know which part of a data set you need, how it needs to be transformed, and which types of visualization widgets are suitable to your data set and understandable for your target audience. Let’s see the five best widget types for showcasing key performance indicators and metrics using Bold BI.

  • Heatmap
  • Pivot table
  • Indicators (card and gauge)
  • Grid
  • Charts


A heatmap represents tabular data values as gradient colors and displays the relationship between two items you choose as an x axis and y axis. Heatmaps are ideal to show multiple rows of two-column values. They can be used to highlight low to high and weak to good rating information by using different colors with different gradients.

In the heatmap shown in the following Bold BI dashboard, we are visualizing the daily average precipitation of 8 states. Here you can easily see which states have extreme rain because of the color gradients.

Average Precipitation of States Based on Days of the Week
Average Precipitation of States Based on Days of the Week

The following table lists the metrics best visualized through heatmaps in certain domains.

List of metrics best visualized through heatmaps in certain domains
List of metrics best visualized through heatmaps in certain domains

Pivot table

A pivot table is best used to quickly summarize a large amount of data. It allows you to display summarized data in a cross-tabular format and create multidimensional views. Further, it provides an option to filter and group data for analysis to satisfy the needs of business users. It’s good to use in marketing and financial domains for revenue and expense calculations.

In the following example, product order details are summarized in a pivot grid of a Bold BI dashboard, and It provides an overview of the quantity sold, the sale amount by ordered date, and the product category.

Order Sales Overview in Pivot Table
Order Sales Overview in Pivot Table

The following table lists the KPIs and metrics that are best visualized through pivot tables in the corresponding domains.

List of Domain for KPIs and Metrics
List of Domain for KPIs and Metrics


Indicators can be used to measure numeric KPIs and show their progress. The radial gauge and card are two such indicators available in Bold BI. These indicators show the same type of information but with different visuals. Gauges are preferable when measuring processing efficiency in the context of defined threshold levels. Card is preferable to showcase the current state and identify trends with comparative value assessment.


In the following examples, the quality and overall performance of production are visualized through the radial gauge widget of a Bold BI dashboard.

Quality of Production
Quality of Production
Overall Performance of Production
Overall Performance of Production

A gauge widget is suitable for visualizing KPIs and metrics in the corresponding domains listed in the following table.

List of Domain for KPIs and Metrics
List of Domain for KPIs and Metrics


A card is best used to show a single number or comparison values.

In the following card in a Bold BI dashboard, we are visualizing the products sold and labor cost comparatively between the current month and the previous month. Here you can easily learn about production sales and expenses.

Sales Metric of Production
Sales Metric of Production
Expenses Metric of Production
Expenses Metric of Production

A card widget suits visualizing KPIs and metrics in the corresponding domains listed in the following table.

KPIs and Metrics corresponding to the domains
KPIs and Metrics corresponding to the domains


A grid is an efficient display component for tabular data. It is very useful for generating complex grid-based reports with rich formatting. In addition, It can load millions of rows very quickly and allows you to showcase ranked relationships through the vertical arrangement of items, ordered from top to bottom. Also, It provides paging, sorting, filtering, searching, and grouping. It’s used in a variety of industries and departments such as finance, banking, software, and more.

In the following example, ticket sales information is displayed in the Grid widget of a Bold BI dashboard to give you a detailed view of show date, start date, show name, tickets sold, and ticket price.

Tickets Sold Information
Tickets Sold Information

The grid widget is appropriate for visualizing domain related metrics listed in the following table.

Domain related KPIs and Metrics
Domain related KPIs and Metrics


Charts represent tabular data in a graphical format. They are split into different categories based on how they present data.

Bar and column charts

Bar and column charts are used to compare values for a set of unordered items across categories. You can compare the values through horizontal bars or vertical bars ordered vertically or horizontally. The following charts in a Bold BI dashboard showcase the top five categories sold in a food department through horizontal bars and the top five manufacturing companies through vertical bars.

Sales Amount in Top Five Categories
Sales Amount in Top Five Categories
Sales Amount in Top Five Manufacturing Companies
Sales Amount in Top Five Manufacturing Companies

Bar and column charts are suitable for visualizing certain domain related metrics listed in the following table.

Domain related Metrics
Domain related Metrics

Stacked bar and stacked column charts

Stacked bar and stacked column charts are used to compare multiple measures through bars stacked one after the other horizontally or vertically.

In the following example of a stacked column chart of a Bold BI dashboard, you can see the monthly production costs per kWh in a power plant by department.

Monthly Production Costs of Energy
Monthly Production Costs of Energy

Stacked bar and stacked column charts are most importantly useful for visualizing metrics in the corresponding domains listed in the following table.

Visualizing metrics to a corresponding domain
Visualizing metrics to a corresponding domain

Pie and doughnut charts

Pie and doughnut charts showcase the proportionality of each item to the total in the form of pie slices or donut slices. The following pie chart in a Bold BI dashboard showcases the least sold top five categories of food products.

Least Sold of Top Five Categories in Food Department
Least Sold of Top Five Categories in Food Department

Similarly, the doughnut chart in the following Bold BI dashboard showcases an overview of project statuses such as in progress, open, closed, and under review, which are essential for monitoring by IT operations managers.

Status of Projects
Status of Projects

Pyramid chart

A pyramid chart allows you to make proportional comparisons between related groups of data showcased in a progressively increasing manner from top to bottom in terms of quantity or size. In the following example, the top seven converted lead sources for a product are showcased in a pyramid chart.

Top Seven Converted Lead Sources for a Product
Top Seven Converted Lead Sources for a Product

Funnel chart

A funnel chart shows values across different stages with different colors in a progressively decreasing manner from top to bottom. In the following example, the funnel chart showcases the visitor-to-customer conversion on a website.

Visitors to Customers Conversion
Visitors to Customers Conversion

These proportion charts are applicable to visualizing certain metrics of the corresponding domains listed in the following table.

Visualizing metrics to a corresponding domain
Visualizing metrics to a corresponding domain

Area chart

An area chart is best used to compare values for a set of unordered items across categories by visualizing them with filled curves.

In the following illustration of an area chart in a Bold BI dashboard, the average efficiency of types of turbine is showcased.

Average Efficiency of Turbines
Average Efficiency of Turbines

Stacked area chart

A stacked area chart allows you to compare multiple measures through filled curves stacked one atop another.

In the following example, it is easy to compare the overall number of students enrolled by grade.

School Enrollment Details by Grade
School Enrollment Details by Grade

Area and stacked area charts are good for visualizing certain metrics related to the corresponding domains listed in the following table.

Visualizing metrics to a corresponding domain
Visualizing metrics to a corresponding domain

Line and spline charts

Line and spline charts are good for analyzing trends over a period of time with data points connected using straight lines or splines.

In the following example, users can analyze a monthly breakdown of the number of website visitors versus purchasers. Also, This information could help the company ensure that employee and marketing resources are used efficiently.

Visitors to Customers Conversion Trend
Visitors to Customers Conversion Trend

The following spline chart showcases the production costs for the previous 12 months. You can easily track the expenses of your production month to month.

Production Cost for Previous 12 Months
Production Cost for Previous 12 Months

Line and spline charts are an appropriate fit for visualizing metrics related to the domains listed in the following table.

Visualizing metrics related to the domains
Visualizing metrics related to the domains


We hope this article helps you choose the right widget to visualize your data. If you have any questions on this blog, please feel free to post them in the following comment section. Get started with Bold BI by signing up for a free 15-day trial and create more interactive business intelligence dashboards. You can also contact us by submitting your questions through the Bold BI website or, if you already have an account, you can log in to submit your support question.

Originally published at https://www.boldbi.com on July 11, 2019.



Ragavan Angamuthu
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer with 30 months of experience at Syncfusion & Cloud Destinations, and published 40+ blogs on BI, Embedded Analytics, Cloud & Automation topics.