Best Webinars of 2020: BI and Embedded Analytics

Ragavan Angamuthu
Bold BI
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2021
Best Webinars of 2020: BI and Embedded Analytics

In 2020, embedded BI attracted significant attention across industries. To help folks better understand the topic and its benefits, the Bold BI team organized several webinars that focused primarily on embedded business intelligence and analytics in enterprise applications with Bold BI. You may have missed some of the sessions, so we’ve hand-picked a few to showcase in this blog to help you catch up!

Embedded BI: Bringing Analytics into Your Apps

This webinar provides an overview of the seamless process of bringing analytics into your apps using Bold BI Embedded. The webinar answers the following questions:

  • What is Bold BI Embedded and the Embedded SDK?
  • Why should you choose Bold BI Embedded for embedding scenarios?
  • What are the benefits of using embedded BI?
  • How do you integrate Bold BI into an application?

You can find more information in this webinar show notes blog, where you’ll also find a recording of the webinar.

Boost Your Apps with BI using Embedded SDK

This webinar demonstrates how easy it is to embed a dashboard into an existing application, how to embed a single widget from the dashboard, and how to embed a designer that allows you to create ad hoc dashboards.

You can find more details along with the webinar Q&A in this webinar show notes blog. The blog post also includes a recording of the webinar to help you get started with the Embedded SDK to give your apps a boost.

User-Based Data Access in Bold BI Dashboards

This webinar gives you a detailed explanation of the different ways data can be accessed securely based on user identity in Bold BI, even when the data exists in different databases. In this presentation, you’ll find complete details about row-level security for restricting data based on logged-in users, and the dynamic connection string feature for switching connections based on logged-in users, both of which are helpful when using separate databases.

Excited to see these features showcased in examples? You’ll find the webinar recording right here, along with the show notes.

Add Advanced Interactivity Using the New Parameter Feature

This webinar provides a detailed look into the parameter feature in dashboards that is essential to achieving dynamic visualizations. A parameter acts as a placeholder value for a string, number, or date, and it can be inserted anywhere in a Bold BI dashboard. This webinar covers the following:

  • The difference between filters and parameters.
  • Where you can use dashboard parameters.
  • How to create parameters and dynamically change their values.
  • A demo of parameters in SQL connections and web API connections.
  • What-if analysis using expressions.
  • Parameters in conditional formatting.
  • User-based access.

Check out the webinar show notes and the recording to learn how parameters can help you create effective dashboards for making business decisions.

Creating a Dashboard in 5 Minutes or Less with Bold BI

This webinar demonstrates just how easy it is to create a dashboard and fill it with widgets that illuminate the story within your business data. From there, you can gain valuable insight to help you make the right decisions to continue growing your business.

If you missed this webinar, it is just one click away.


We compiled this list to help those who are interested in BI and embedded analytics make the right decisions to start 2021. If you have any feedback or requests for webinars you’d like to see in 2021, we welcome you to post in comments section below. You can also contact us by submitting your questions through the Bold BI website or, if you already have an account, you can log in. If you’re interested in seeing firsthand whether Bold BI can be your business intelligence solution, you can register for a free 30-minute demo with our experts about creating dashboards and any other features you would like learn more about.

Originally published at on January 24, 2021.



Ragavan Angamuthu
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer with 30 months of experience at Syncfusion & Cloud Destinations, and published 40+ blogs on BI, Embedded Analytics, Cloud & Automation topics.