Bold BI v6.17 Release Highlights for Self-Hosting and Embedding

Joshua Otieno Owuor
Bold BI
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2023
Bold BI v6.17 Release Highlights for Self-Hosting and Embedding

We are thrilled to inform you that we have rolled out our latest product update, Bold BI v6.17, which includes releases on Windows, Docker, Linux, Kubernetes, and Azure. It is a mega release of the most awaited features, improvements, and bug fixes. These major changes provide you with a great experience in creating beautiful dashboards with Bold BI.

To get the latest version of Bold BI, you can download it from your account page. If you are new to Bold BI, sign up for a free trial on our website.

In this blog, we will look at the key updates in this release:

  • New features
  • Improvements
  • Bug fixes

New Features

ID feature

  • We have provided a UI and REST API support for globally configuring the user custom attribute, which can be utilized across all sites.

Designer feature

  • We have provided support to customize or replace the standard string constants “Null” and “Blanks,” as well as common values.
Customizing the standard string constants “Null” and “Blanks”
Customizing the standard string constants “Null” and “Blanks”


Data Sources Improvements

  • You can now integrate the custom attribute and dashboard parameter support for data source connection properties for REST data sources.
Custom attribute support for REST data source
Custom attribute support for REST data source
Dashboard parameter support for REST data source
Dashboard parameter support for REST data source
  • You can now connect the encoding URLs in the Web API connector.
Encoding URLs in the Web API connector
Encoding URLs in the Web API connector
  • We have improved 2X performance in edit connection for table mode data sources.
  • We have reduced the data preview limit from 1000 to 100 to improve user experience.
Data preview limit
Data preview limit

ID Improvement

  • We’ve introduced command-line support to streamline the database migration, enabling users to update the tenant database information in bulk efficiently in on-premise deployments.

Embedding Improvement

  • You can apply font customization support for exporting the dashboard in JS-based embedding.

Designer Improvements

  • We have enhanced the performance of widget rendering.
  • We have provided support for using the dashboard parameter in the conditional formatting window.
  • We have provided week date support in auto hierarchies.

Widgets Improvements

  • We have provided support to maintain the grid column width in the exported Excel file.
  • We have provided support to display the chart legend as a dropdown.
Chart legend display as a dropdown
Chart legend display as a dropdown
  • We have improved the text filter widget’s rendering performance.
  • We have provided support to maintain the grid summary row’s title color, value color, and background color in exported Excel files.

Server Improvements

  • We have implemented support for sending emails with Microsoft Office 365 accounts using OAuth authentication in on-premise deployments.
  • We have implemented support for fetching and updating OAuth and OpenID authentication settings using a REST API in on-premise deployments.
  • We have added activity logs for dashboard download actions.
  • We have implemented support for fetching activity logs using a REST API.
  • We have added session-expired information to the dashboard, data source designer page, and viewer page in on-premise deployments.
  • We have added support for displaying the source of data in the data source listing page.

Bug Fixes

Data sources

  • Fixed the issue in accessing tables in Rockset with workspaces having special characters.
  • Fixed the issue in accessing data from views in Rockset connector.
  • Fixed the issue in preview data window when the data sources are created using custom attributes.
  • Fixed the issue in uploading dashboards with Web API data source that contains custom attributes.
  • Fixed the issue in refresh failing due to data sources created using custom attributes.
  • Fixed the issue where the Replace expression was not working when there was no space.
  • Resolved the quota error in the YouTube connector.
  • Fixed the data mismatch issue after the v6.15 upgrade.
  • Resolved the issue where the RUNNINGMAX and RUNNINGMIN expressions were not working properly.
  • Fixed the “No data to display” error seen in the live web data source when using multiple live data sources in a single dashboard.
  • Resolved the issue where integer data is rounded off in MySQL IMDb.
  • Resolved the issue where gradient color formatting was not working properly in the Google Big Query data source.
  • Resolved the issue where connection details were not updated properly in the edit connection panel.
  • Resolved the exception that occurred while uploading a Web API data source with a custom attribute.
  • Resolved the issue where the preview of data sources showed “No data to display” for live web shared data sources.
  • Fixed the issue where additional connection parameters were removed automatically when a file was chosen in Google Big Query.
  • Resolved the issue where existing data sources were not appearing in shared tables after searching for data sources in the text box.
  • Resolved the issue where data sampling was not working for the 42Matters data source with Postgres IMDb.
  • Resolved the issue where the description was added without clicking the Save button in SQL-related data sources.
  • Resolved the issue of being able to connect multiple customer connectors without validation at a single time.
  • Resolved the issue where the data source name was not appearing in the Dashboard parameter table field form in PostgreSQL.
  • Resolved the data retrieval error in the SSAS data source if the same column name was present in the parent schema.


  • Valid error message now shows when an invalid item ID is used in JavaScript-based widget embedding.
  • Valid error message now shows if user email address is not used in authorization server in JavaScript-based embedding.
  • Fixed the save window pop-up issue in fullscreen in JS-based embedding.


  • Fixed condition-based Allow Filtering issue in the grid.
  • Fixed filtering issue in combo box when using Allow Filtering.
  • Fixed auto font size issue in the widget’s title.
  • Fixed POP info icon overlapping with the widget title.
  • Fixed pivot grid sort icon issue.
  • Fixed the chart not rendering based on the data color palette in the theme file.
  • Fixed proportion chart flickering issue.
  • Fixed list box subtitle alignment issue.
  • Fixed widgets overlapping inside the tab widget on resize.
  • Fixed date picker single selection filtering issue.


  • Fixed an issue in the schedule listing on sites deployed with a MySQL database when multiple schedules were created for the same dashboard in on-premise deployments.
  • Fixed an error in slideshow play where the slide would move to the next even if the dashboard rendering was not completed.
  • Fixed the issue with loading custom widgets on the mobile app.
  • Fixed the issue with displaying the comment window and saving it as a dialog when switching a multitab dashboard to fullscreen mode.
  • Fixed an issue with displaying the enable option for schedules in mobile mode.
  • Fixed an issue where an internal error would occur when accessing a dashboard widget with an invalid ID.
  • Fixed an issue with showing the back arrow on the dashboard rendering when the dashboard was viewed with the default view.


  • Fixed the issue of not being able to create a data source with the dashboard parameter and custom attribute together.
  • Fixed the issue of order by query not working properly in the custom query parameter.
  • Resolved the issue of the cancel icon not hiding after removing the search data in the assign data section.
  • Fixed the issue of being able to save without a data source name while uploading the dashboard in the download Upload action.
  • Fixed the issue of the link not redirecting to the given site in the pop-up widget link.
  • Resolved the issue of the data source name not showing in the dashboard parameter window for SQL data sources.
  • Fixed the issue of the dashboard description not being reflected in the dashboard info.
  • Fixed the issue with date format conversion in Excel and CSV export.

This post has outlined the updates in the Bold BI v6.17 release. For additional information, please check our release page. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the Bold BI website. If you have an existing account, simply log in to get in touch.

Originally published at on November 21st, 2023.



Joshua Otieno Owuor
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer and content reviewer at Syncfusion.