Bold BI Highlights & Key improvements in 2021

Ragavan Angamuthu
Bold BI
Published in
9 min readDec 31, 2021
Bold BI Highlights & Key improvements in 2021


Over the years, Bold BI has constantly been evolving how it provides powerful BI and analytics solutions to businesses by helping to extract insight from data by visualizing information using a wide range of widgets and hundreds of data sources. In 2021, we faced many struggles together because of the pandemic. Since 2021 has ended, and we are already excited to welcome 2022, let us see a glimpse of 2021’s Bold BI highlights. In this blog post, we will explore:

  • Bold BI’s key improvements.
  • The top five industries using Bold BI, based on our customers.
  • The top five best performing blog articles of Bold BI.

Without wasting time, let’s dive in.

Key improvements of Bold BI

Newly added data source connections

We have provided support for a wide range of data connectors to widen customers’ usability and make more out of Bold BI. You can now build KPIs using data from more sources, including Elasticsearch, Amazon Athena, Spark SQL, Azure DevOps Services, Wistia, Slack, Zoho CRM, Microsoft Access ODBC, Square, Origami, Fitbit, Nutshell, and Gravity Forms.

Deployments for different environments

Bold BI can now be hosted in a container-management environment like Kubernetes, on a cloud-specific scaling system like Azure App Services, or a set of physical or virtual machines behind a load balancer. Bold BI supports all these environments now.

API Improvements

New identity management APIs allow for granting user access to a site, revoking user access from a site, listing users who have access to a site, creating new users, updating users, viewing users, listing sites users can access, suspending a tenant, and activating a tenant. APIs for managing a designer and for embedding dashboards have also been added.

Server Improvements

  • Support to use a MySQL database as a meta database for Bold BI startup.
  • A flexible permission system to delegate user management.
  • Comment support for multi-tabbed dashboards.
  • Support to track a schedule run and data refresh history from the application UI.
  • Support to publish a dashboard from any site to other sites using the external-site publish option.
  • Username support to make email addresses optional when creating a new user.

Widget Improvements

Many customization options have been included for widgets for better visualizations that allow users to modify the look and feel of widgets to match their application theme and UI. New customization options include:

  • Paging support for the Grid widget.
  • A tooltip enable-disable option for all widgets.
  • Font size customization support for all visible elements in charts, pivot grids, and grids.
  • Choropleth and drill-down support for Bing Maps.
  • Period-over-period comparison support for date fields.
  • Support for customizing value label parameters and empty points in Cartesian charts.

Designer Improvements

  • JQuery.noConflict() method support.
  • Support to embed a preconfigured widget using the API.
  • API support to customize dashboard and widget margins.
  • User constant dashboard parameter support, such as a logged in user’s email and full name.
  • Improved visualization for combining widgets in a mobile layout.
  • A better designing experience in lower-resolution screens by hiding panels.

Granular Permission improvements

Bold BI now provides granular permission options that can be assigned to Bold BI users. Permissions have been provided for creating a group, managing specific groups, creating and managing all users, managing specific settings, and managing permissions for specific resources.

Deep-embedding data source designer

The Bold BI data source designer can also be deeply embedded into an application. This lets your users model data and prepare it for analytics from within your application.

Embed Multi-tabbed dashboards and pinboards

Bold BI now supports deep-embedding of multi-tabbed dashboards and pinboards through the SDK.
APIs have also been added to create, copy, and delete pinboards.

Top five industries based on acquired customers

Customers are the backbone of every business. Each company around the world is trying to gain more customers to expand their business. In this section, we are going to discuss the industries that helped Syncfusion gain more customers. They are:

  • Retail
  • Healthcare
  • Energy
  • Hospitality
  • Information Technology


Bold BI’s retail dashboards help managers track in-store metrics such as average basket size, average unit in retail, sales per sq. ft., average basket value. Also, it helps inventory managers track KPIs like inventory turnover ratio, gross margin ROI apart from purchase orders, and stock availability of each item — all such retail KPIs in one place.

Monitoring these metrics gives you insight regarding top-selling items, least selling items, favorite retail stores, and more. Using that information, retail managers can ensure that necessary products are available in all stores and give assurance to managers requesting those items. To know more about retail solutions in detail, check our retail solution page.

You can also refer to the following pages for specific retail solutions:

  1. Retail Stores Performance dashboard.
  2. Retail Inventory Management dashboard.

And you can see samples of retail dashboards in action.


Bold BI’s healthcare dashboards help key decision makers monitor a wide variety of KPIs, such as hospital wait times, readmission rates, and a clinic’s diagnostic trends. They can also be used to analyze physicians’ workloads, patient satisfaction, and more.

Monitoring healthcare metrics helps decision makers ensure the health and satisfaction of patients and increases a team’s transparency and efficiency. This type of monitoring will impact the long-term financial security of the healthcare industry. To know more about healthcare solutions in detail, check out our healthcare solution page.

You can also refer to the following pages for healthcare solutions:

  1. Hospital Management dashboard.
  2. Patient Health Monitoring dashboard.
  3. Patient Experience Analysis dashboard.
  4. Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Analysis dashboard.
  5. Clinical Trials dashboard.
  6. Orthopaedic Clinical Variation dashboard.

Or, you can view Bold BI’s sample healthcare industry dashboards.


Bold BI’s energy industry dashboards help managers track a wide range of data, helping to monitor important KPIs like customers’ energy consumption, power plants’ live production, turbine performance, ROI, and the performance of various wind farms.

Monitoring these metrics helps you meet and cater to customers’ needs, and it helps you increase company revenue. To know more about energy solutions in detail, check out our energy solution page.

You can also refer to the following pages for energy industry solutions:

  1. Energy Consumption & Monitoring dashboard.
  2. Power Plant Operations dashboard.

Or you can view Bold BI’s sample energy industry dashboards.


Bold BI’s hospitality industry dashboards help you easily analyze large amounts of data daily. With Bold BI dashboards, you can track important KPIs all in one place, such as RevPAR, average daily rate, occupancy rate, marketing cost per booking, and direct revenue ratio.

Monitoring these metrics helps you gain insight into sources of hotel bookings and assess your company’s return on investment for restaurant locations. With these insights, you can start many initiatives, like creating attractive offers during festive seasons to make a customer’s stay more pleasurable. This helps a business acquire more customers. To know more about hospitality solutions in detail, check our hospitality solution page.

You can also check out this specific solution: Hotel Revenue Management dashboard.

Or you can view Bold BI’s hospitality industry dashboard sample.

Information Technology

Bold BI’s user-friendly, fully customizable IT industry dashboards help you track KPIs such as support ticket statuses, support ticket resolution times, average time to troubleshoot issues, average time between failures, and server availability and downtime.

Tracking these metrics all in one place enables managers to gain insight on the effective management of workflow, to increase customer satisfaction, and to evaluate employees’ performances properly and help them where they are struggling. This helps employees complete a given project within a given time so that managers can deliver those projects to their clients. Delivering projects in time helps business to attract more customers and increase revenue. To know more about IT solutions in detail, check our IT solution page.

You can also check out specific solutions:

  1. Customer Service Performance dashboard.
  2. Project Management dashboard.
  3. Project Performance dashboard.
  4. Project Overview dashboard.
  5. Issue Tracker dashboard.
  6. Forum Management dashboard.
  7. Axosoft Project Release Management dashboard.
  8. Outlook Calendar Events Dashboard.

Or you can view Bold BI’s IT industry sample dashboards.

Top five best-performing Bold BI blog articles

Blogs, user guides, and knowledge base articles help companies increase traffic, acting as a bridge between companies and customers. In this section, we are going to briefly discuss the top five best-performing blog articles of Bold BI in 2021. They are:

  • Embed Analytics into Application — A Step-by-Step Guide.
  • Embedding Dashboards for Analytics with the JavaScript SDK.
  • Spring Clean Your Data for Accurate Insights.
  • Data Visualization: Importance and Benefits.
  • 10 Great Business Intelligence Dashboard Examples.

Embed Analytics into Application — A Step-by-Step Guide

This blog discusses integrating analytical solutions within your organization’s applications; utilizing them will feel like a more natural part of an employee’s workflow. It also discusses embedded analytics, how it will benefit users, four key points you need to focus on while creating an embedded analytics solution, how to embed dashboards in your applications, and additional tips. To know more about embedding analytics into an application, refer to “Embed Analytics into Application — A Step-by-Step Guide.”

Embedding Dashboards for Analytics with the JavaScript SDK

This Bold BI blog teaches readers how to embed enterprise-grade dashboards with the JavaScript SDK, which allows users to analyze data in their own workflow environment. It also discusses the Bold BI SDK features such as embedded widgets, dashboard customization, filters, data bindings, events, and user interactions. To know more about this blog in detail, refer to “Embedding Dashboards for Analytics with the JavaScript SDK.”

Spring Clean Your Data for Accurate Insights

This blog briefs on the importance of spring cleaning your data. Organizing and getting rid of data that you do not need helps you in your business, getting great insights from your hidden or old data. And this blog also discusses ways to keep data in your databases and dashboards clean and reasons to do so. To know more about spring cleaning your data, refer to “Spring Clean Your Data for Accurate Insights.”

Data Visualization: Importance and Benefits

This Bold BI blog helps you use raw data through graphical representations that aid business analysts and executives in exploring data and uncovering deep insights. Also, it discusses the proper utilization of data visualization to help you identify areas of your business that require attention and improvement. Furthermore, it helps you learn about key topics such as what makes data visualization more powerful and useful, its importance, benefits, how it works, and 10 quick tips for effective data visualization. To know more about data visualization in detail, refer to “Data Visualization: Importance and Benefits.”

10 Great Business Intelligence Dashboard Examples

This blog showcases 10 different dashboard examples from various domains, helping business users make the right decisions by visualizing critical data in a single view. It also explores how creating the right dashboard helps decision makers understand the story they plan to convey. It also discusses how dashboards offer you a powerful opportunity to make your business more productive, which in turn improves your business performance. To know more about Bold BI’s business intelligence dashboards in detail, refer to “10 Great Business Intelligence Dashboard Examples.”

Refer to Bold BI’s various charts and widgets that have a wide range of interactive features that help your business to visualize all your data in one place. We also have prebuilt solutions for dashboards organized by industry, department, and data analytics domains with the appropriate charts based on different situations.


I hope you now have a taste of the highlights of Bold BI in 2021. With Bold BI, you can visualize all your data and gain insight by tracking all your important metrics and KPIs in real time.

Bold BI helps you integrate dashboards in your applications written in ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, and Ruby on Rails. It saves you time by helping you avoid redundant work. To learn more about embedding dashboards into your applications, refer to “Integrating Dashboards into Applications with the Embed SDK” and our documentation. You can create a dashboard any way you like with Bold BI’s 35 widgets and 130 supported data sources.

Get started with Bold BI by signing up for a free 15-day trial and create more interactive business intelligence dashboards. You can contact us by submitting questions through the Bold BI website or, if you already have an account, you can log in to submit your support question.

Originally published at on December 31, 2021.



Ragavan Angamuthu
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer with 30 months of experience at Syncfusion & Cloud Destinations, and published 40+ blogs on BI, Embedded Analytics, Cloud & Automation topics.