Unlocking Data Insights with the Combine Widget Visualization

Faith Akinyi Ouma
Bold BI
Published in
6 min readApr 26, 2024
Unlocking Data Insights with the Combine Widget Visualization


In the dynamic world of data analysis, the skill to convert massive datasets into clear visual narratives is essential for exposing the deeper stories that lie within the data. The Combine widget visualization tool stands out as a tool of insight, cutting through the complexity of data to uncover complex patterns and findings that could remain hidden. In this blog post, we explore the capabilities and benefits of employing the combine widget, aiming to streamline the analysis process and to augment the transparency and intricacy of insights derived from your data.

What is a combine widget?

A combine widget is a visual tool that consolidates multiple types of visualizations into a single widget, enabling more efficient analysis of diverse data sets within a unified visual context. It lets users group related widgets into a single container.

Importance of showcasing data in a combine widget

Enhanced data synthesis

Integrating various data visualizations into a unified display element can illuminate relationships and patterns that may be obscured when data is presented separately. For instance, a map merged with a histogram can reveal geographic distributions alongside numerical data.

Space optimization

Valuable screen space, particularly on mobile devices or crowded dashboards, can be optimized through a unified display that consolidates multiple widgets seamlessly and compactly.

Contextual clarity

Grouping related data can enrich understanding by providing context. A display that merges sales data with inventory levels, for instance, can clarify the connection between sales trends and stock management.

User experience enhancement

Users appreciate having associated information in proximity, as it reduces the need to switch between different sections of an app or dashboard. This can result in a more natural and gratifying interaction.

Simplified data analysis

Presenting multiple data sets within a single display makes it simpler for users to compare the data, an advantage for identifying trends, outliers, and correlations.

When to use a combine widget

  • When space optimization is needed.
  • For multidimensional analysis.
  • To compare multiple datasets simultaneously.
  • When providing interactive exploration of data relationships.

When not to use a combined widget

  • When individual control is needed.
  • When distinct functions require clear separation.
  • When too many interface elements might cause user confusion.
  • With limited screen space for the widget.

How to configure a combine widget in Bold BI

A combine widget needs at least two widgets. To configure a combine widget:

  1. Drag the combine widget from the dashboard’s item panel, under the Miscellaneous group, and drop it on the design page.
  2. Resize the container as needed to allow you to drag multiple widgets in it.
  3. Add the widgets you want to combine to your combine widget through one of the following ways:
  • Drag and drop widgets from the Item Panel and adjust their sizes.
  • Drag already configured widgets from the dashboard design canvas into the combine widget and adjust its size.
  • Drag one widget from the already existing dashboard into the combine widget and adjust its size.

4. Assign the required data using the Properties icon in the configuration panel.

How to configure a combine widget in Bold BI
How to configure a combine widget in Bold BI

For more details on how to configure the combine widget in Bold BI, refer to our documentation.

Use cases of combine widgets in various industries

Information technology


The task metric tracks the specific activities or projects that an IT team is working on, providing insight into their workload and how well it’s being managed. Visualizing tasks in a combined KPI card quickly identifies any issues the team may have in meeting a deadline.


Time (Hours)

These metrics measure the time IT members spent on all tasks, which is key for productivity analysis, billing, and workload management. A combined KPI card visualization allows for easy monitoring of time use, helping to avoid overruns and better manage project timelines.

Time (Hours)
Time (Hours)

To learn more about these KPIs, check out the Toggl Project Time Tracking dashboard demo.


Income percentage of estimate

This finance metric compares actual revenue earned against the projected income, highlighting performance. Visualizing this data through the combine widget facilitates strategic adjustments for financial goal alignment.

Income percentage of estimate
Income percentage of estimate

Expense percentage of budget

This financial metric showcases the portion of allocated funds that have been utilized, offering a snapshot of financial management efficiency. Visualizing this data through the combine widget lets users monitor spending trends alongside budget allocations in real time, enabling swift adjustments to ensure financial goals are met and resources are optimized effectively.

Expense percentage of budget
Expense percentage of budget

More details about these widgets are provided in our Budget vs. Actual dashboard demo.


Average waiting times

This metric measures the duration customers or processes wait before receiving service, critical for assessing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in healthcare settings. Visualizing this data through the combine widget is vital as it enables quick interpretation, trend analysis, and informed decision-making, ultimately enhancing operational workflows and improving user experiences in healthcare facilities.

Average waiting times
Average waiting times

Average blood pressure

This metric includes two numbers: systolic pressure (force of blood during heartbeats) and diastolic pressure (resting pressure). Combining them in a widget aids in cardiovascular health monitoring, letting providers spot deviations promptly.

Average blood pressure
Average blood pressure

You can check out our Patient Experience Analysis dashboard demo and Patient Health Monitoring dashboard demo respectively for more details about these widgets sample.


Net promoter score (NPS)

This metric breaks down a company’s reviews into the percentage of promoters, detractors, and passives for a construction company, providing a clear indication of customer satisfaction levels. The widget visualizes this data, offering a quick, comprehensive look at brand perception to indicate whether there are areas for improvement and measure customer experience success.

Net promoter score (NPS)
Net promoter score (NPS)

Cost breakdown

This metric provides a comprehensive analysis of expenses across various components of a construction project, offering insights into resource allocation and budget management. Visualizing this data through the combine widget enables stakeholders to compare and analyze cost distributions alongside other key project metrics, facilitating informed decision-making and optimizing financial strategies.

Cost breakdown
Cost breakdown

To learn more about these widgets, check out our Construction Quality Management dashboard demo and Construction Project Monitoring dashboard demo respectively.

Best practices for using combine widget

  • Do not drag a combine widget on top of another.
  • Do not drag the combine widget from the widgets panel if there’s inadequate space for display.
  • Maximize the widgets inside the combine widget. Don’t leave too much white space.

See the combine widget in action and witness its capabilities in our YouTube video demonstration.

How Bold BI features can overcome limitations of the combine widget

Bold BI is a versatile tool for business intelligence and data visualization, designed to tackle the challenges of integrating various widgets and presenting diverse data types on a single dashboard. Here’s how Bold BI can help:

  • Real-time updates: Bold BI refreshes data instantly, ensuring widgets always display the latest information for decision-makers.
  • Data integration: Bold BI combines data from various sources like SQL databases and business tools, allowing for unified and comprehensive data visualizations.
  • Customization options: Bold BI provides extensive widget customization, from chart mixing to visual adjustments and custom calculations, catering to specific analysis needs.
  • Adaptive design: Bold BI dashboards and widgets adjust to different screens and devices, enabling consistent access to widgets on any platform.
  • Dynamic dashboards: The platform offers interactive dashboards with features like drill-down, filters, and sorting, which allow users to focus on key data and tackle information overload efficiently.


Unlock the power of data analytics with the combine widget visualization tool, merging diverse datasets into a cohesive visual narrative. Gain invaluable insights and make informed decisions that propel business growth.

Originally published at https://www.boldbi.com on April 26, 2024.



Faith Akinyi Ouma
Bold BI
Editor for

Technical assistance with 2 years of experience @sycfusion in Technical writing.