Enabling Row-Level Security with Embedded BI

Masilamani Chidambaram
Bold BI
Published in
8 min readOct 29, 2020
Enabling Row-Level Security with Embedded BI

Row-level security is restricted data access based on users with a user-based filter mechanism. A user-based filter defines the restrictions for each user, helping to avoid re-creating the same dashboard for each user; you can maintain one dashboard for all users by restricting other users’ access. In a previous blog post (“Row-Level Security with User-Based Filters”), we explained how row-level security works with user-based filtering, and we discussed its benefits in detail by looking at a simple use case with illustrations.

With Bold BI Embedded, you can embed dashboards for your clients into any web application using the JavaScript SDK (see “ Embedding Dashboards for Analytics with the JavaScript SDK “), and you can maintain a single dashboard for multiple users with a user-based filter that imposes row-level security and monitors current data from a single page through interactive data visualizations.

In this blog post, we will explore how to configure a user-based filter in Bold BI and how to embed a dashboard to achieve row-level security in your application.

How to create user-based filtering with Bold BI

After creating a dashboard for embedding in your application, you can configure user-based filtering through a data source designer and configure a user-based filtering dialog.

To configure user-based filtering, edit the data source and click the Configure User Filters icon on the toolbar.

Data source Toolbar
Data source Toolbar

The Configure User Filters window will open, as shown in the following image.

Configure User Filters window
Configure User Filters window

You can configure user-based filtering in the following modes:

Before configuring the user filter, you need to add users and groups to provide permission to access your dashboard. You can check out the video “Managing Users, Groups and Permissions in Bold BI” to do this.

Now let’s see how to configure a user-based filter in Manual mode.

Configure user-based filter in Manual mode

Manual mode is suitable for static data and data presented as columns within data to be used for the dashboard. The columns could be for email addresses or full names, for example.

Let’s consider a school management dashboard, which helps administration and faculty monitor student performance and faculty details. At some point, management decides to provide access to the dashboard for each faculty branch so they can visualize their specific branch’s data and make necessary changes in their workflow.

While in Manual mode, select branch_name to filter the column based on a branch. Select Science for faculty member Alyssa Harris to visualize science branch data only. You can restrict data to each faculty branch as shown as in the following image.

Configuring User Filter in Manual Mode
Configuring User Filter in Manual Mode

You can ensure the correct user filter is applied while previewing the dashboard. View the user list from the Preview as drop-down list and select a faculty member to view their corresponding branch data by restricting other data.

Preview as Drop-Down List in Dashboard Viewer
Preview as Drop-Down List in Dashboard Viewer

The following dashboard screenshot shows the administrator view, which shows all branch data.

School Management Dashboard
School Management Dashboard

The following screenshot shows the Faculty1 view, and it shows only that branch’s data.

School Management Dashboard with User Filter
School Management Dashboard with User Filter

You can see the Science branch alone in the grid widget for Alyssa Harris. Check out our user filter manual documentation for more details on configuring a filter.

Now let’s see how to configure a user-based filter in Data Source mode.

Configure user-based filter in Data Source mode

Data Source mode is suitable for cases where applied filters are more dynamic, and data used in the dashboard does not have any user information in any of its columns. If you have a table that has the mapping details for the users — such as email, full name, or group name — then you can use Data Source mode. This will provide much more control over the data shown in the dashboard, so if a new user is added or removed, these changes need to be made in the mapping table alone; you don’t have to reconfigure the user-based filter for this.

In a hospital management dashboard, you can monitor the quality of care, operational activities, and financial activities. KPIs like average length of stay of a patient directly impact the costs and the workload of your staff. Also, you can monitor details related to bed occupancy rate, upcoming appointments per doctor, outpatient and in-patient count with respect to division, and so on.

Hospital Management Dashboard
Hospital Management Dashboard

The following dashboard image shows the Doctor1 view, showing only hospital and specialization data.

Hospital Management Dashboard with User Filter
Hospital Management Dashboard with User Filter

You can see the Cardiologist specialization alone in the grid widget and Hospital_2 data in the drop-down widget for Laurence Moos.

To achieve this view, configure using Data Source mode in the user filter window. Select the identity as Full Name in the Identity Type field and Doctor_Name as the column to map the user based on the name column.

You can set a filter based on multiple columns, so choose Hospital_Name and Specialization to map the column from the Mapping data source to Hospital Management data source, and then check the column in the mapping data source to filter data in the Hospital Management data source, as shown as following screenshot.

Configuring User Filter in Data Source Mode
Configuring User Filter in Data Source Mode

After configuring the user-based filter, you can preview what that user, or users in that group, will be able to see in the dashboard.

With this mode you can have a mapping data source that will hold the details of the user along with the hospital that they serve. So, when a doctor appointment is changed, only the mapping data source data needs to be updated. The dashboard will reflect the changes automatically.

Refer to the user filter data source documentation for more details about configuration.

Let’s see how to configure a user-based filter with Query mode.

Configure user-based filter with Query mode

Query mode is similar to Data Source mode. It allows a user to write their own query to fetch data for filtering. Query mode provides more control over data that is used for mapping. You can write your own SQL query that will be executed toward the connection of the data source selected from the Mapping Data Source list.

A financial analysis dashboard shows an overview of revenue and expense details, online versus retail sales comparison, regional revenue, and predicted revenue for the next three months.

In Query mode, select the customer table, map the customer name, and choose the region to filter the data in the RevenueExpense data source.

Configuring User Filter in Query Mode
Configuring User Filter in Query Mode

The following dashboard screenshot shows the administrator view, which shows all regional data.

Financial Analysis Dashboard
Financial Analysis Dashboard

The following screenshot shows the user1 view, displaying only a specific region’s data.

Financial Analysis Dashboard with User Filter
Financial Analysis Dashboard with User Filter

You can see the Missouri region alone in the grid widget for Paolo Pipes.

With Query mode, you can fetch any table from a current database that is used in mapping a data source and map the column to the current data source. Check out our user filter query documentation for more details about configuring Query mode.

We have seen how to configure user-based filters in Bold BI. Once the dashboard is configured and published, you can embed it in any web application. We discussed in detail on how to integrate dashboards with the embed SDK into ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core applications in a previous blog post. Refer to our documentation to find the steps to embed the Bold BI dashboard in a supported application.

Now, let’s see an example of how row-level security is applied to an embedded dashboard.

A dashboard is embedded in my ASP.NET Core application, as shown in the following image.

Dashboard Embedded in ASP.NET Core Application
Dashboard Embedded in ASP.NET Core Application

I applied a row-level filter to nine employees to restrict visible data from other users.

Row level security in Embedded Dashboard
Row level security in Embedded Dashboard

The following screenshot shows the user1 view, which shows six employees’ data.

User1 View: Row-Level Security in Embedded Dashboard
User1 View: Row-Level Security in Embedded Dashboard

The following screenshot shows the user2 view, displaying only its own data.

User2 View: Row-Level Security in Embedded Dashboard
User2 View: Row-Level Security in Embedded Dashboard

You can see Laura Callahan in the grid widget for Laura Callahan.

Finally, you can achieve row-level security for your embedded dashboard based on user-based filtering configuration with Bold BI Embedded.


I hope this article provided you with needed information about user-based filtering imposing row-level security in embedded dashboards with Bold BI. If you have any questions on this blog, please feel free to post them in the following comment section. To get started with Bold BI, please request a free 30-minute demo with our experts to discuss creating dashboards and any other features you would like to learn more about. You can also contact us by submitting your questions through the Bold BI website or, if you already have an account, you can log in to submit your support question.

Originally published at https://www.boldbi.com on October 29, 2020.



Masilamani Chidambaram
Bold BI
Editor for

Software Engineer with 3 years of experience @syncfusion with technical knowledge of Dashboard.