Azure DevOps Mastery: Enhancing Project Performance with BI

Reethika Moovendhan
Bold BI
Published in
7 min readOct 24, 2023
Azure DevOps Mastery: Enhancing Project Performance with BI

In today’s data-driven project landscape, achieving optimal performance is essential for success. Azure DevOps, coupled with business intelligence (BI) tools, offers a dynamic synergy that can elevate project performance to new heights. This article explores how harnessing Azure DevOps data alongside BI capabilities empowers teams to make data-driven decisions, enhance project visibility, and achieve superior project outcomes.

How can a BI tool be used to analyze Azure DevOps Data?

BI tools offer a multitude of ways to analyze Azure DevOps data, and here are some illustrative examples:

  • Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs): BI tools facilitate tracking vital KPIs like cycle time, defect rate, and customer satisfaction, aiding teams in identifying improvement areas and meeting performance targets.
  • Uncovering trends and patterns: BI tools identify data trends, like common bug types, aiding resource allocation and process improvements.
  • Analyzing build and release results: Teams utilize BI tools to analyze build and release outcomes, enhancing quality assurance processes for better development efficiency.
  • Benchmarking team and project performance: BI tools support performance comparisons across teams and projects, aiding the identification of areas for improvement and knowledge sharing from high-performing counterparts.
  • Analyze historical data: BI tools excel in in-depth historical data analysis, revealing patterns, successes, and challenges. This informs strategy refinement, efficient resource allocation, and improved project performance.
  • Predict Future Performance: BI tools employ predictive analytics to anticipate future performance based on historical data, enabling proactive optimization of resources and decision-making.

Benefits of using a BI tool to analyze Azure DevOps Data

There are many benefits to using a BI tool to analyze Azure DevOps data. Here are a few of the most important ones:

Improved visibility into project data

BI tools consolidate all your Azure DevOps data into a single, easily accessible platform, offering a comprehensive view of your project landscape. This consolidated view aids in early issue detection and more informed resource allocation decisions.

Improved visibility into project data
Improved visibility into project data

Better decision-making capabilities

Leveraging BI tools equips you with the data and insights necessary for informed decision-making. Tracking progress towards key performance indicators (KPIs) and identifying data trends enable resource allocation optimization, process enhancement, and product/service improvement decisions.

Better Decision-Making Capabilities
Better Decision-Making Capabilities

Reduced risk of project failure and increased success rates

BI tools mitigate project failure risk by elevating data visibility and decision-making, leading to higher project success rates and goal attainment. This is accomplished through real-time insights, streamlined resource allocation, and data-informed decision support.

Reduced Risk of Project Failure and Increased Project Success Rate
Reduced Risk of Project Failure and Increased Project Success Rate

How to choose a BI tool for analyzing Azure DevOps data

Choosing the right BI tool for analyzing Azure DevOps data involves several considerations to ensure it aligns with your project’s specific needs:

  • Ease of use: Choose for a BI tool with an intuitive interface and user-friendly features to facilitate data analysis for your team.
  • Scalability: Consider the scalability of the BI tool, especially if you anticipate an increase in data volume as your projects grow.
  • Cost: Evaluate the pricing model of the BI tool, including licensing, scalability costs, and ongoing maintenance expenses to ensure it fits your budget.
  • Data source connectivity: Verify that the BI tool supports connections to various data sources within Azure DevOps, such as work items, builds, releases, and tests.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the BI tool is compatible with Azure DevOps and can seamlessly integrate with your existing infrastructure.
  • Customization: Ensure the BI tool allows for customization so you can tailor reports and dashboards to your specific project metrics and KPIs.

Creating a BI dashboard for Azure DevOps Data

Developing a BI dashboard for Azure DevOps data entails a strategic process to ensure it delivers actionable insights for informed decision-making. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose a BI tool: Begin by choosing a BI tool that aligns with your specific requirements. Consider factors like features, user-friendliness, and cost.
  2. Identify the key performance metrics and KPIs you want to track: Identify the critical metrics essential for evaluating your business processes’ success, efficiency, and effectiveness.
  3. Connect to your Azure DevOps data: Utilize built-in connectors provided by most BI tools to seamlessly link with your Azure DevOps data. You’ll need to input your Azure DevOps credentials.
  4. Create a data model: Develop a structured data model that outlines the tables, columns, and relationships within your data sources.
  5. Create reports: Generate reports that enable data analysis and visualization. Many BI tools offer customizable report templates to expedite the process.
  6. Create a dashboard: Create a dashboard by amalgamating reports and visualizations. Dashboards provide a comprehensive overview, allowing you to track key performance indicators (KPIs), spot trends, and make informed decisions.

Using a BI dashboard to track Azure DevOps project performance

A BI dashboard is essential for real-time project performance monitoring, offering insights into KPIs and data. It enables proactive issue identification and resource optimization. Here are practical project tracking uses:

  • Track lead time: Lead time measures the total time from the creation of a work item until it is completed, this metric helps in measuring a team’s efficiency.
Lead Time
Lead Time
  • Track the progress of work items: This measurement gives a detailed overview of the present state of all tasks within a project, displaying whether they are finished, ongoing, or yet to be initiated.
Progress of Work Items
Progress of Work Items
  • Track cycle time: Employ a BI dashboard to track cycle times for work items, measuring the time it takes to complete them from start to finish. By analyzing cycle times, teams can identify opportunities for efficiency improvements and ensure timely delivery to meet customer commitments.
Cycle Time
Cycle Time
  • Track work item completion rate: Work item completion rate is an average metric that provides insight into how fast your team is completing tasks.
A Widget Shows the Work Item Completion Rate
A Widget Shows the Work Item Completion Rate
  • Sprint velocity: This metric measures the amount of work a team can handle in a single sprint. It’s usually calculated by totaling the number of user story points that the team has completed in previous sprints and then finding the average. Sprint velocity is a valuable metric that aids in predicting the team’s future capacity for completing work in upcoming sprints.
Sprint Velocity
Sprint Velocity
  • Track bug severity: Bug severity is an assessment of how severely a bug affects system operations and functionality, often categorized as critical, high, medium, or low. This metric is instrumental in monitoring critical bug counts, enabling teams to prioritize and resolve high-impact issues for improved system stability and functionality.
A Widget Shows the Severity of Bugs
A Widget Shows the Severity of Bugs
  • Track bug state: This metric tracks the status of a bug in the development process. The states can include new (recently logged), active (being worked on), resolved (solution identified), closed (fixed and tested), or removed (deemed unnecessary or incorrect). This helps teams identify how many bugs are at each stage and plan their work accordingly.
A Widget Shows the State of Bugs
A Widget Shows the State of Bugs
  • Track priority and type of work items: Work item types categorize the kind of work being done, such as bugs, tasks, features, or user stories. Priority refers to the importance or urgency of these work items. It helps teams decide the sequence of work items to be worked on. High-priority items should be addressed before lower-priority items.
Work Item Type and Priority
Work Item Type and Priority

Leveraging BI dashboards is essential for addressing project bottlenecks, providing real-time KPI insights, efficient resource allocation, and streamlined workflows. They enable real-time bottleneck detection, preventing delays and ensuring alignment. Drill-down features help uncover root causes, guiding effective resolutions. These dashboards optimize resource allocation, ensuring timely bottleneck resolution. They also aid historical analysis for identifying recurring bottlenecks and implementing lasting solutions.

For instance, tracking an Azure DevOps project performance dashboard can offer critical insights into a project’s overall health and success. This tool aids in monitoring vital metrics like build success rate, deployment frequency, lead time, and mean time to recovery. By consistently observing these metrics, teams can preemptively tackle issues, boost productivity, and guarantee the prompt delivery of top-tier software.

Azure DevOps Project Performance Dashboard
Azure DevOps Project Performance Dashboard

The Azure DevOps project performance dashboard, which was created using Bold BI by Syncfusion, presents project metrics and insights in a visually compelling and user-friendly format. This dashboard’s capabilities have greatly streamlined data analysis, boosting efficiency and precision in project management.

Read this blog article to learn about how to connect SmartHotel360 project work items through an Azure DevOps connection and build a new dashboard on project performance using Bold BI.

In conclusion, Azure DevOps data and BI offer transformative capabilities to enhance project performance. Providing real-time insights, efficient resource allocation, and data-driven decision-making, these tools empower teams to surmount challenges, reduce risks, and consistently achieve project success. Embracing this duo is essential for thriving in today’s data-driven project management landscape.

Originally published at on October 24, 2023.



Reethika Moovendhan
Bold BI
Writer for

Reethika, a dedicated blogger, inspires and engages readers with her informative and creative content in business intelligence technology.