From Maps to Metrics: Mastering Location Analytics

Norman Omondi Ayieko
Bold BI
Published in
7 min readOct 25, 2023
From Maps to Metrics: Mastering Location Analytics

In the era of data-driven decision-making, businesses are constantly seeking innovative strategies to gain a competitive edge. A powerful tool that successful companies use to stay ahead in the market is knowing the location of its customers to target its marketing efforts effectively and avoid wasting resources during sales and marketing campaigns. This tool is known as location analytics, and it’s revolutionizing organizations by providing insights into consumer behavior and market trends to optimize operational efficiency, store placement, and marketing strategies.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the complexities of location analytics, illuminating how it can be deployed to overcome organizational obstacles and achieve unparalleled success.

What is location analytics?

Location analytics is the process of gathering, analyzing, and visualizing location data to understand consumer behavior and market trends. Location analytics combines business and geographic data to enhance customer experiences across various industries.

Why do you need location analytics?

The following are major benefits of location analytics:

  • Understand customers better: Location analytics allows businesses to enhance their physical presence and offerings to cater to specific demographics and behaviors, thereby boosting engagement and revenue.
  • Improve operations: Location analytics can help identify operational inefficiencies by tracking driver routes and identifying areas with delayed deliveries, enhancing efficiency and productivity.
  • Make better business decisions: Location analytics aids in making informed decisions about various business matters, including store opening locations, competitor analysis, resource allocation, and emergency response strategies.
  • Supply chain optimization: Understanding the geography of demand and supply enhances supply chain management by optimizing distribution networks, reducing transportation costs, and minimizing inventory levels.
  • Site selection: Location analytics aids businesses in identifying optimal locations based on factors like foot traffic, accessibility, competition, and customer demographics, significantly impacting their success.

How can I use location analytics?

The following are some tips for using location analytics effectively:

  • Start with a clear goal: Determine your desired learning objectives from your location data and select the appropriate tools and methods to achieve them.
  • Use high-quality data: The accuracy of your results is significantly influenced by the quality of your data, so it’s crucial to ensure it’s clean, complete, and current.
  • Visualize your data: Maps and data visualizations can reveal patterns and trends that may be overlooked otherwise.
  • Share your insights with others: Share location analytics insights with your organization’s team to enhance decision-making and ensure valuable information is shared for everyone to benefit.
  • Perform spatial analysis: Utilize various spatial analysis techniques, such as proximity analysis, to gain comprehensive insights.
  • Segmentation and targeting: Divide your customer base or locations into distinct segments, such as urban and rural areas or different demographic groups.
  • Predictive modeling: Historical location data can be utilized to develop predictive models that can predict future trends, such as potential increases or decreases in demand.

Challenges of using location analytics

Here are some of the challenges faced when applying location analytics:

  • Accuracy:For a variety of reasons, such as GPS signal interference, conserving energy on devices, and user privacy settings, location data can be inaccurate. This may result in skewed data and ultimately poor decisions.
  • Privacy: Users are becoming more concerned about the use of their data as location information is often regarded as sensitive. Because of this, gathering and utilizing location data for analytics purposes may be challenging.
  • Integration: Different sources of location information include GPS, mobile devices, social media, and traffic sensors. As a result, combining and analyzing data from many sources may be challenging.
  • Complexity: Large amounts of data produced by location analytics can be difficult to evaluate, which calls for trained professionals’ knowledge and technical expertise.
  • Cost: Location analytics can be costly, especially if hardware and software are needed.

Key strategies to overcome challenges while using location analytics

The following are some ways of overcoming the challenges of using location analytics:

  • Data quality and standardization: It is important to ensure that your location data is accurate, complete, and up to date. You should also standardize your data formats to make them easier to integrate and analyze.
  • Data integration: Location data can be complex and difficult to integrate with other types of data. You can overcome this challenge by using data integration tools and platforms that are designed to work with location data.
  • Skills and expertise: Location analytics requires specialized skills and expertise. You can overcome this challenge by hiring experienced location analysts or training your existing staff on location analytics techniques.
  • Collaboration: Helps improve data accuracy and insights by leveraging diverse expertise and resources, promoting effective problem-solving and decision-making.
  • Data security: Location data can be sensitive, so it is important to protect the privacy of your users. Also, encrypt location data both during transit and at rest to prevent unauthorized access or interception.
  • Cost: To reduce costs, start with a small pilot project, scale up as needed, and consider using open-source tools or cloud-based solutions.

Real-world use cases of location analytics

The following are industrial use cases of location analytics:

Real estate: sales by region

Real estate: sales by region
Sales by Region

Real estate agencies use location analytics to visually represent the distribution of property sales across different geographic areas. This helps agents analyze market trends, identify hotspots, and assess the demand for properties in specific locations.

Healthcare: confirmed cases by country

Healthcare: confirmed cases by country
Confirmed Cases by Country

This healthcare dashboard visually represents the geographic distribution of COVID-19 cases, providing real-time information on the spread of the virus across countries. It enables healthcare professionals and policymakers to identify hotspots, allocate resources efficiently, and make data-driven decisions to curb the spread of the disease.

Telecommunications: total subscribers by state

Telecommunications: total subscribers by state
Total subscribers by state

The Bold BI telecommunications management dashboard visualizes the total subscribers by state metric in a map for a telecommunications company to analyze its subscriber distribution across regions, providing valuable location analytics for network infrastructure deployment, marketing, and data-driven decisions. This leads to improved service quality, market reach, and customer satisfaction.

Hospitality: revenue generation index by state

Hospitality: revenue generation index by state
Revenue generation index by state

This Hotel Revenue Dashboard maps the Revenue Generation Index (RGI) to help hospitality businesses analyze revenue performance across different states, identifying regions with high or low potential. This helps allocate resources, adjust pricing strategies, and tailor marketing efforts, ultimately optimizing operations and increasing profitability.

Insurance: annual premium equivalent performance by region

Insurance: annual premium equivalent performance by region
Annual premium equivalent performance by region

Location analytics applied to the insurance industry often takes the form of an annual premium equivalent performance (APE) by region map. This map is used to compare insurance policies across different geographic areas.

Pharmaceutical: sales by region

Pharmaceutical: sales by region
Sales by region

This Pharmaceutical Sales Performance Dashboard collects pharmaceutical KPIs in one place, and the Sales by Region map in the dashboard is used to visually represent sales data across different geographic regions, enabling location analytics. This helps pharmaceutical companies analyze sales performance, market penetration, and identify trends and patterns in geographic regions.

Marketing: leads by country

Marketing: leads by country
Leads by country

This Salesforce Marketing Leads Dashboard provides an overview of business marketing performance across various platforms, sources, and regions. By plotting leads on a map, marketers can identify regions with higher or lower lead concentrations, helping them allocate resources more efficiently.

Energy: energy consumption by state

Energy: energy consumption by state
Energy consumption by state

The energy consumption by state map provides a comprehensive visual representation of energy usage patterns across different regions. This data helps energy companies and policymakers make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, infrastructure development, and energy efficiency initiatives.

Transportation: accidents and fatalities by state

Transportation: accidents and fatalities by state
Accidents and fatalities by state

The accidents and fatalities by state metric provides a clear visual representation of safety patterns, enabling fast identification of high-risk areas. This data-driven insight helps in targeted interventions and resource allocation to enhance road safety.

How Bold BI can be used for location analytics

Bold BI enhances location analytics by offering robust mapping tools and geospatial data visualization, enabling businesses to gain valuable insights for improved management. With its interactive dashboards, heat maps, and geographic maps, Bold BI enables businesses to make data-driven decisions related to market segmentation, resource allocation, risk assessment, and strategic planning. This level of data analysis can lead to improved efficiency, increased revenue, and enhanced insights derived from location-based data.

In conclusion, organizations can find untapped possibilities, spot regional trends, optimize resource allocation, and improve their overall business performance by integrating location analytics with Bold BI’s extensive data visualization and analytics capabilities.

Originally published at on October 25, 2023.



Norman Omondi Ayieko
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer and content reviewer at Syncfusion.