Harnessing the Past to Predict the Future: Exploring Time Series Analysis

Enos Otieno Juma
Bold BI
Published in
8 min readJun 26, 2023
Harnessing the Past to Predict the Future: Time Series Analysis

Handling data that evolves over time can be challenging for traditional analytical approaches, as they may not effectively capture the intrinsic dynamics and patterns. This is where the use of time series analysis arises. Examining data as a systematically organized sequence of observations throughout time allows us to utilize robust techniques to discover patterns, recognize seasonality, and predict future values. In this blog, we will delve into the core principles of time series analysis, arming you with the understanding and resources to proficiently manage time data.

What is time series analysis?

Time series analysis refers to a statistical technique used to analyze and interpret data points collected over time. It involves studying the patterns, trends, and underlying structures present in time series data to make predictions, identify relationships, and gain insight into the behaviour of the data over time.

Why you need time series analysis

Time series analysis is used for:

  • Identifying errors, inconsistencies, or missing values in data.
  • Assessing the impact of interventions, such as policy changes or marketing campaigns.
  • Uncovering relationships among variables, such as the correlation between sales and advertising expenditures.
  • Predicting future values based on historical data.

Importance of time series analysis in business

Time series analysis plays an important role in various aspects of business.

Predicting and managing demand

Time series analysis allows businesses to anticipate future values and trends based on past data, enabling them to improve inventory control, production planning, and resource distribution.

Financial planning and budget creation

Time series analysis assists businesses in recognizing patterns, cycles, and variations in revenue and costs over time, enabling them to create realistic budgets and make well-informed decisions.

Identifying and managing risks

Time series analysis supports businesses in detecting patterns and variations related to risk factors, facilitating the creation of risk-reduction strategies and the recognition of potential weaknesses.

Analyzing competition

Through analyzing market trends and customer demand, time series analysis enables businesses to evaluate their performance against competitors. This data aids in pinpointing strengths and weaknesses, allowing for strategic planning to maintain a competitive edge.


Time series analysis helps businesses make data-driven decisions by identifying correlations, dependencies, and cause-effect relationships among variables.

Allocating resources

Time series analysis identifies recurring data patterns, providing valuable insights for businesses to optimize operations, plan for peak periods, and efficiently allocate resources.

Types of time series analysis

Time series analysis encompasses various approaches for analyzing and modeling time-dependent data. Here are some common types of time series analysis:

  • Descriptive time series analysis: This analysis examines and condenses time series data using summary statistics and visualizations, identifying unique aspects or outliers.
  • Trend analysis: Trend analysis identifies and models long-term data patterns, like linear, nonlinear, or exponential trends, to understand the underlying behavior of time series data.
  • Seasonal analysis: Seasonal analysis aims to detect and model recurring patterns in time series data at fixed, seasonal intervals to understand their effects.
  • Time series decomposition: Decomposition dissects a time series into basic elements like trend, seasonality, and residual, enabling a deeper comprehension of their impact on data behavior.
  • Autocorrelation analysis: This involves analyzing the correlation between a time series and its previous values to guide modeling techniques.
  • Forecasting and prediction: Forecasting uses historical patterns and trends to predict future time series values, assessing uncertainty.
  • Intervention analysis: Intervention analysis examines and models the effects of external events or interventions on a time series data.
  • Spectral analysis: Spectral analysis uses methods like the Fourier transform to detect frequencies, cyclical patterns, and periodic behavior.

Key concepts and characteristics of time series data

Key concepts and characteristics of time series data include:

  • Time dependence: Time series data is observed over a specific time period, with each observation having a timestamp, and exhibits temporal dependencies.
  • Trend: The long-term movement or direction of data over time, representing an underlying pattern.
  • Seasonality: Repetitive and predictable patterns within specific time intervals, influenced by factors like weather and holidays.
  • Cyclicity: Longer-term patterns that repeat irregularly, arising from factors like economic cycles.
  • Irregularity: Random fluctuations not explained by trends, seasonality, or cyclicity, caused by factors like measurement errors.
  • Autocorrelation: Measures the relationship between an observation and its past values, indicating temporal dependence.
  • Stationarity: Time series with constant statistical properties, assumed or desired for simplifying modeling and prediction.
  • Data granularity: The level of detail in time series data, ranging from high-frequency to low-frequency measurements.
  • Seasonal decomposition: Technique to separate time series into trend, seasonality, and residual components for better understanding.
  • Time series visualization: Graphical representations to guide analysis.

Time series modeling techniques

Time series modeling techniques are used to capture and analyze the patterns, trends, and dependencies within time series data. Following are some commonly used time series modeling techniques.

Autoregressive (AR) models

These models presume that a time series’ current value relies linearly on its previous values. AR models use the series’ lagged values as predictors.

Moving average (MA) models

These models propose that a time series’ current value is a linear mix of past error terms (residuals). MA models help identify short-term dependencies in the data.

Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models

By combining autoregressive and moving average components, ARMA models capture both the autoregressive relationships and short-term dependencies in the data.

Vector autoregression (VAR) models

Employed for multivariate time series analysis, VAR models analyze multiple variables simultaneously. They identify the dependencies and relationships among multiple time series variables.

Challenges of implementing time series analysis

Implementing time series analysis can come with several challenges. Following are some common challenges that researchers and analysts may face.

  • Data quality: Data quality and pre-processing are essential because they address issues like missing values and outliers that can significantly impact analysis results.
  • Non-stationarity: This can cause inaccurate results in time series analysis, so transformations or differencing may be needed to make the data stationary.
  • Model selection and parameter tuning: Choosing the appropriate model and adjusting its parameters requires domain knowledge or experience with the data.
  • Forecasting uncertainty: Quantifying and incorporating forecasting into decision-making processes can be difficult.
  • Multivariate time series analysis: It is more complex than univariate analysis due to the need to consider relationships and interactions among variables.
  • Scalability: This is a concern in time series analysis, as efficient algorithms and parallel processing techniques may be needed for large-scale data sets or real-time applications.

Key strategies for overcoming challenges in time series analysis

Here are some key strategies to address common challenges in time series analysis:

  • Data quality and preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the data by handling missing values, outliers, and ensuring consistent formats and time intervals.
  • Stationarity and trend analysis: Transform the data to achieve stationarity and analyze trends and nonstationary components.
  • Seasonality and periodicity: Identify and remove seasonality using decomposition techniques or differencing methods.
  • Model selection and validation: Choose appropriate models (e.g., ARIMA, SARIMA, exponential smoothing, or machine learning algorithms) and validate their performance using evaluation metrics and cross-validation.
  • Overfitting and forecasting accuracy: Mitigate overfitting by using techniques like cross-validation, out-of-sample testing, and model complexity selection.
  • Data visualization: Data visualization tools such as line charts help identify recurring patterns, seasonality, and trends in time series data, allowing accurate analysis and forecasting.
  • Continuous monitoring and updating: Continuously monitor and update time series models as new data becomes available to maintain accuracy and relevance.

Use cases of time series analysis

Time series analysis is used across industries for process optimization.


Time series analysis is extensively employed in the financial sector for forecasting stock prices, examining market patterns, optimizing portfolios, managing risk, and modeling financial information such as stock returns, interest rates, and currency rates. In Bold BI’s FreshBooks Profit and Loss Dashboard, a time series has been utilized to study the revenue trend over the last six months.

Revenue trend
Revenue trend


Time series analysis helps retailers forecast demand for products, optimize inventory levels, plan promotions and sales, and identify seasonality or trends in customer behavior. It can also be used for analyzing web traffic, clickstream data, and sales patterns. In the following use case, the number of orders for upcoming weeks has been forecasted in the time series, from Bold BI’s Retail Inventory Management Dashboard.

Units ordered forecast
Units ordered forecast


In manufacturing, time series analysis assists in demand forecasting, production planning, inventory optimization, quality control, predictive maintenance, and supply chain optimization. It helps manufacturers identify patterns, trends, and bottlenecks in their operations. In this instance, a time series widget has been utilized in operational cost analysis for the last twelve months in Bold BI’s Production Monitoring Dashboard.

Cost analysis over time
Cost analysis over time


Time series analysis is used in telecommunications for forecasting call volumes, network traffic, and customer churn rates. It helps telecommunications companies optimize network capacity, plan infrastructure upgrades, and detect network anomalies or failures. In the following example, time series analysis has been utilized in Bold BI’s Network Performance Dashboard to show the throughput time, which measures the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network connection in each time period.

Throughput time
Throughput time

Emerging trends and predictions in time series analysis

Following are some emerging trends and predictions for time series analysis:

  • Machine learning techniques are being increasingly applied in time series analysis to capture complex temporal patterns and dependencies.
  • Time series analysis is being integrated with big data technologies to process and analyze massive volumes of temporal data efficiently.
  • Real-time and streaming analytics techniques are being explored to handle dynamic and rapidly changing time series data.
  • Anomaly detection and event forecasting are areas of increasing interest in time series analysis.
  • Hybrid models combining time series data with external factors are gaining attention to improve forecasting accuracy.

How does Bold BI assist in implementing time series analysis?

Bold BI is a comprehensive business intelligence platform that facilitates the implementation of time series analysis. It offers interactive and customizable visualizations tailored for time series data, empowering users to depict temporal patterns and trends effectively. With data preparation and cleansing capabilities, users can address missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies. Real-time monitoring, collaboration features, and integration with diverse data sources enhance the platform’s versatility for time series analysis implementation. Bold BI also offers embedding capabilities to integrate time series analysis dashboards and widgets into existing applications, websites, or portals, providing a unified and interactive experience.

I hope you have gained a clear understanding of time series analysis, how to use it in your business, and how Bold BI can help you implement it.

Originally published at https://www.boldbi.com on June 26, 2023.



Enos Otieno Juma
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer and content reviewer at Syncfusion.