Harnessing the Power of Fusebill Data Through Visualization

Faith Akinyi Ouma
Bold BI
Published in
7 min readAug 7, 2023
Harnessing the Power of Fusebill Data Through Visualization

Searching for a way to streamline subscription billing and revenue management? Fusebill integration is a solution chosen by many companies. Fusebill seamlessly integrates its subscription billing platform into your existing systems, offering complete control over billing operations and revenue optimization. Now, you can easily integrate your Fusebill data with Bold BI to track key metrics such as subscriptions and invoices, enabling you to gain insights into your organization’s strengths and weaknesses. This blog will guide you on how to integrate Fusebill data with Bold BI and showcase it in a dashboard.

An example Fusebill integration dashboard
An example Fusebill integration dashboard

To follow along with this blog, you’ll need to have a Fusebill account with your company or client details.

How to extract data from Fusebill

Fusebill provides REST APIs for users to analyze and retrieve data stored in their Fusebill accounts. Utilize the following table to link to Fusebill data and establish a data source using suitable APIs.

How to extract data from Fusebill

Connecting Fusebill data to Bold BI

The Bold BI dashboard designer lets you connect Fusebill web services through a REST API. To configure the Fusebill data source :

  1. Click the data source button on the dashboard home page to navigate to the data source creation page.
  2. In the data source pane, click CREATE NEW to begin a new data source connection.
  3. Choose the Fusebill connection from the list of data connectors in the connection panel under Finance.
Data source connecting panel
Data source connecting panel

4. The Fusebill data connection window will be displayed in the panel. Enter a valid name for the Fusebill data source and provide a description (optional).

5. Enter a valid Fusebill REST API endpoint in the URL text box and leave the default value, GET, for the for the REST API in the Method. Refer to this link for more details.

6. Add an authentication key and value under the headers. Set Authorization as the value of the key and Bearer <APIKey> as the value of the header. Learn more here.

7. Set the time interval for the refresh settings so that the dashboard can automatically refresh itself with the latest data updates.

8. Let the data format be JSON since all REST API endpoints return results in JSON format. Choose None under Authentication Type.

Fusebill connection window
Fusebill connection window

9. Once the creation process is completed, click Preview & Connect. A window will open listing the data results, as shown in the following image.

Raw data window
Raw data window

10. Select desired columns and then click Connect. Drag and drop the table and save the data source. Finally, the created data sources will be added to the DATA SOURCES panel.

Data source listing panel
Data source listing panel

After creating the data source, proceed to add the necessary widgets to your dashboard. Connect the data to these widgets to visualize the metrics effectively.

How to create a dashboard with Fusebill data configuration

With Bold BI, you can easily use Fusebill integration to create a more interactive dashboard. New to Bold BI? Watch this tutorial video for step-by-step guidance on creating a dashboard from scratch.

Let’s recreate Bold BI’s Fusebill Subscription Management Dashboard using Fusebill integration data. This financial dashboard can be built from scratch by simply dragging widgets into the dashboard designer. With this dashboard, you can gain a comprehensive view of your company’s subscription-based business operations by tracking your subscription details, revenue, AR numbers, and more.

An example Fusebill integration dashboard
Fusebill Subscription Management Dashboard

This subscription management dashboard helps you monitor these real-time finance metrics:

  • Monthly recurring revenue: Total monthly revenue generated by recurring subscriptions, which provides a measure of predictable revenue for the business.
  • Top 5 customers by monthly recurring revenue: The five customers who contribute the highest amount of revenue through their recurring monthly subscriptions.
  • Top 5 customers by revenue: The five customers who generate the highest overall revenue, considering all sources of income, including recurring and nonrecurring transactions.
  • Revenue by company: Total revenue generated by each individual company, indicating the financial performance of different entities or divisions within the business.
  • Customer account status breakdown: A breakdown of customer accounts based on their status (active, inactive, suspended, or canceled).
  • Accounts receivable by payment target: The amount of money owed to the company by customers, categorized based on their payment deadlines, allowing for effective management of outstanding payments.
  • Churn rate: The rate at which customers cancel or stop using a product or service over a specific time period, highlighting customer retention.
  • Subscription by plan and status: The distribution of customers across different subscription plans and their respective statuses, helping understand the popularity and performance of different subscription options.
  • Payment by month: The total amount of payments received from customers each month, allowing for analysis of revenue trends and seasonality.
  • Invoice summary details: Comprehensive information about individual invoices, including the customer’s name, invoice amount, due date, and payment status, aiding in tracking and managing financial transactions.
  • Subscription cancellation rate: The percentage of customers who discontinue their recurring services within a specific timeframe, revealing the attrition rate of subscribers.
  • Payment method breakdown: The distribution of payment methods utilized by customers, such as credit cards, bank transfers, or digital wallets, offering insights into the preferred modes of payment among the customer base.

The dashboard also allows you to track and monitor simple numbers, like subscriptions, invoices, average customer lifetime value, and average revenue per subscriber in card widgets.

We can customize the metrics displayed in a Fuesbill dashboard. However, before configuring the data to a widget, it is necessary to join tables and create expressions that enable the desired metrics.

Joining with shared tables

To join data sources with shared tables:

  1. Choose the data sources whose tables need to be joined. In this example, the Fusebill-Payment and Fusebill-Subscription data sources need to be selected. Then, expand them.
  2. Edit the Fusebill-Payment data source. Drag the customers table from Fusebill-Subscription data source, which will be available in shared table list, to the designer.
Shared Table
Shared Table

3. The Query Joiner window will open. Set an Inner join for the customerId column from the GetByAccountID table and Id (customer references) column from the customers table, as shown in the following screenshot.

Query Joiner window
Query Joiner window

4. Likewise, set an Inner join for the customerId column from the getAll table in the Fusebill-Subscription data source and the id column from the customers table in the Fusebill-Subscription data source, shown in the following image.

Query Joiner window
Query Joiner window

Now, we can create expression columns to visualize metrics.

How to configure widgets in a Fusebill dashboard

Certain metrics require the use of calculated fields known as expression columns. To create an expression column for the specified metrics in the widget configuration, refer to the functions provided in the next table.

Follow these steps to visualize the previous metrics:

  1. Add the required widgets to the blank dashboard that you created in the beginning.
  2. Configure the widgets in the dashboard with their corresponding data sources as shown in the following table.

Scheduling data refresh for a Fusebill dashboard

You can set up data refresh schedules in a Fusebill dashboard to ensure your data remains up to date. This can be achieved using the refresh settings feature, through which you can establish a timetable for transferring data from your cloud storage to an intermediate database location. To configure refresh settings in a Fusebill dashboard, follow the steps provided in this link.

With this blog, I hope you have seen how you can analyze data within a Fusebill dashboard to gain valuable insights for improving your decision-making, retaining customers, and increasing revenue.



Faith Akinyi Ouma
Bold BI
Editor for

Technical assistance with 2 years of experience @sycfusion in Technical writing.