Manage and Visualize Your Projects with Bar Charts

Norman Omondi Ayieko
Bold BI
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2024
Manage and Visualize Your Projects with Bar Charts

In project management, achieving success frequently depends on the careful distribution of funds and personnel and the precise tracking of progress. Bar charts, known for their straightforwardness and adaptability, play a pivotal role in project management. This blog discusses the significance of bar chart visualizations in project management and resource allocation, highlighting their role in decision-making and project success.

Challenges affecting project resource allocation management

Effective resource allocation is a difficult task for any organization. The following are common challenges organizations are likely to encounter:

Limited resources: Lack of resources like time, budget, and manpower hinder effective project planning. Prioritizing tasks based on their impact to the project is vital when resources are scarce.

Unclear project objectives: Ambiguous project goals can cause team miscommunication and hinder proper resource allocation. It is crucial to establish clear project objectives for team alignment.

Lack of visibility: Adjusting resource allocation is difficult without insight into project statuses. Without clear definition and comprehension of project statuses, organizations will struggle to make effective decisions.

Changing and competing priorities: Rapid changes in project priorities and resource competition leads to conflicts and challenges in resource allocation.

Poor communication: Inadequate transparency and communication between departments or teams can result in resource misalignment and project execution inefficiencies.

How business intelligence improves resource allocation

BI has positive effects on project resource allocation in the following ways:

Data integration and consolidation: Business intelligence (B) tools enable organizations to merge data from different sources, offering a holistic view of assets and their usage.

Real-time monitoring: BI enables immediate monitoring of project progress, resource allocation, and expenses, allowing swift problem detection and resolution by managers.

Resource optimization: BI tools help optimize asset allocation in organizations by analyzing historical data and current demands, ensuring projects are appropriately staffed.

Performance metrics and KPIs: BI facilitates KPI monitoring for project and asset management, enabling maximally efficient resource allocation.

Cost control: BI enables live tracking of project costs, ensuring budget adherence and revealing cost reduction opportunities.

Identification of trends and patterns: BI enables analysis of past and current projects, allowing managers to identify common challenges that emerge in project lifecycles so that they can be anticipated in the future.

Next, let’s look at what a bar chart is and how it can be used to enhance project resource allocation.

How bar charts enhance resource allocation

What is a bar chart?

A bar chart is a graphical representation of data that uses rectangular bars to compare different values for a set of categories. The length of each bar represents the quantity for a specific category. A bar is plotted horizontally, and the length of the bar is proportional to the value it represents.

A bar chart
A bar chart

How bar chart visualization enhances resource allocation management

Here are some common ways bar charts enhance resource allocation:

Progress tracking: Bar charts can be used to monitor task schedules so that project managers know which tasks are behind schedule, on track, or completed.

Resource utilization: Bar charts enable detailed insight into resource use in project tasks and phases, aiding smart decision-making and resource allocation adjustments.

Quick comparison: Bar charts allow for quick comparison between projects and their progress. This helps managers identify projects that are lagging and need attention.

Better decision-making: Project managers can make informed decisions based on actual data instead of intuition with bar chart visualization.

Communication with stakeholders: Bar charts make it easier to communicate the progress of projects to stakeholders, helping keep everyone informed and on the same page.

Project management metrics commonly visualized with bar charts

The following are metrics commonly visualized with bar charts in a project management dashboard to enhance resource allocation:

Defects by type and project types

Defects by type and project types
Defects by type and project types

Open issues by risk

A bar chart
Open issues by risk

This metric categorizes project issues by risk, highlighting high-risk areas that need immediate attention. It allows for distributing resources by priority.

Estimated vs. actual days by project

Estimated vs actual days by project
Estimated vs actual days by project

These metrics are crucial in project management because they provide a clear comparison between projected and actual completion times, enabling modifications to resource allocation so that projects are completed on time.

Project issue type breakdown

Project issue type breakdown
Project issue type breakdown

This metric is used to track project issues by their type and planned or closed status. It aids teams in prioritizing and managing resources to tackle issues more effectively.

Now let’s look at important considerations that affect the effectiveness of bar chart visualization in project management.

Elements to consider when using a bar chart to manage resource allocation

Here are a few factors to consider when implementing bar charts to manage project resource allocation:

  • Data type: Is your data categorical or quantitative? The answer to this question affects the comparison you’re trying to communicate in your chart.
  • Orientation: Use vertical bars for many categories with few data points; use horizontal bars for fewer categories with many data points or to highlight bar length.
  • Scale: Use a linear scale for evenly distributed data and a logarithmic scale for unevenly distributed data.
  • Grouping: Compare variables within categories using grouped bars or show total values and contributions with stacked bars.
  • Error bars: Improve your chart’s accuracy by adding error bars to show each value’s variability, accounting for uncertainties in data for viewers.
  • Labeling: Label axes and bars clearly and concisely. Maintain consistent terminology for chart clarity.
  • Title: Give your chart a clear title to summarize its data accurately.

The sample bar charts in this blog were built using Bold BI by Syncfusion. Bold BI improves project management by offering dynamic bar charts for clear visual tracking of timelines, task dependencies, and resource availability. It enables managers to monitor progress, spot bottlenecks, and manage resources effectively with real-time updates.

In conclusion, bar charts enhance project management through visualization, enabling informed decision-making, efficient resource allocation, and ultimately project success.

Originally published at on January 19, 2024.



Norman Omondi Ayieko
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer and content reviewer at Syncfusion.