Mastering Customer Retention through BI Analytics

Enos Otieno Juma
Bold BI
Published in
6 min readJan 10, 2024
Mastering Customer Retention through BI Analytics

In the ever-changing business landscape, the journey from customer acquisition to advocacy is pivotal for any thriving business. To navigate this path effectively, businesses are increasingly embracing business intelligence (BI). In this blog, we’ll delve into how BI plays a crucial role in fostering loyalty and retention, equipping businesses with the insights to turn one-time buyers into dedicated advocates. Let’s start by exploring what customer retention is and why it is important.

Understanding Customer Retention Rate

Customer retention rate is the ability of a business to retain existing customers over a specified time. This process entails establishing and preserving relationships with your customers so that they consistently select your offerings over your competitors.

Customer Retention Rate
Customer Retention Rate

The significance of retaining customers for business growth

Maintaining a strong customer base benefits a business in the following ways:

  • Recommendations and referrals: Satisfied long-term customers become advocates for your business. They are more likely to recommend your brand to others, driving organic growth and expanding your customer base.
  • Feedback and improvement: Retained customers can provide valuable feedback that helps you refine your products or services. This feedback loop allows you to continually improve and meet customer expectations.
  • Economic advantage: Customer acquisition often costs more than keeping existing customers, making retention more cost-effective. This approach lessens the expenses of acquiring customers in the form of marketing and sales campaigns.
  • Reliable income flow: Established customers can provide a regular revenue stream. Their propensity for repeated purchases or subscriptions to your brand leads to a steady income.

Calculating customer retention rate

Calculating customer retention involves a straightforward formula:

  1. Select a specific timeframe for analysis, such as a quarter or a month.
  2. Determine the initial number of customers you have at the beginning of the chosen time period. Let’s denote this as A.
  3. Tally the number of those customers who were still with you at the end of that time. We’ll call this number B.
  4. Employ this customer retention rate formula:

Customer Retention Rate = (B/A) * 100%


Customer Retention Rate= {(Total customers — new customers) / Existing customers} * 100.

For instance, if you commence a month with 100 customers and conclude the month with 80 of those customers still active, you can calculate the customer retention rate as follows:

Customer Retention Rate = (80/100) * 100% = 80%

This means you’ve kept 80% of your original customers. This rate only considers existing customers, not new ones gained. A higher percentage means better customer retention.

Utilizing BI to boost the customer experience and increase retention rate

Leveraging BI can enhance customer experiences, improve retention rates, and boost profitability by enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions. Here is how:

  • Identify and rectify customer issues: BI tools can help identify common customer issues by analyzing feedback and support tickets. Businesses can then find and resolve the root cause of these issues in order to prevent them from recurring.
  • Customize customer communications: BI can create detailed customer profiles, including demographics and engagement metrics, which can be used to personalize marketing campaigns and communications.
  • Predict and prevent churn: BI can identify customers likely to churn by analyzing customer behavior data. Early intervention can address customer dissatisfaction, prevent churn, and maintain valuable customer relationships.
  • Enhance customer engagement: BI can track customer engagement metrics like website traffic and social media interactions to optimize engagement strategies.
  • Customer segmentation: BI tools classify customers into different categories based on behavior and preferences. This enables businesses to customize their marketing and service initiatives for each group, enhancing the customer experience.

Key metrics and KPIs you should track to measure customer retention

Customer churn rate

Get to know the important metrics for tracking customer retention.

Customer churn rate
Customer churn rate

Customers and customer retention rate

The metric measures the proportion of customers who discontinue their use of your products or services within a defined timeframe. A rising churn rate indicates dissatisfaction.

Customers and customer retention rate
Customers and customer retention rate

Customer lifetime value (CLTV)

The percentage of customers who continue to use your product or services over a specific time and the total number of customers is depicted in this widget. A high retention rate indicates customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Customer lifetime value (CLTV)
Customer lifetime value (CLTV)

Net promoter score (NPS)

This metric measures the total revenue a business expects from a customer throughout their relationship. It identifies valuable customer segments, guiding retention strategies and indicating changes in customer loyalty.

Net promoter score (NPS)
Net promoter score (NPS)

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)

NPS gauges customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend your brand to others. It reflects overall customer sentiment. A high NPS implies satisfied customers who are likely to become promoters, contributing to word-of-mouth marketing and good reviews.

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)

Retention cost

This is a vital KPI measuring satisfaction with a business, product, or service. It offers insight into customer happiness and potential for repeat purchases. High CSAT scores signify a positive customer experience, essential for retention.

Retention cost
Retention cost

Average revenue per user (ARPU)

This metric calculates the expenses involved in holding onto existing customers, such as costs for customer service and loyalty programs. Lower retention costs generally mean a business is more successful in keeping customers satisfied and loyal.

Average revenue per user (ARPU)
Average revenue per user (ARPU)

Upsell rate

This metric gauges the average income generated per user and is often used in subscription-based businesses. Higher ARPU can indicate a strong customer relationship, as customers are willing to spend more, thus indicating satisfaction with the products and services they are receiving.

Upsell Rate
Upsell Rate

Customer effort score (CES)

This metric reflects the effectiveness of marketing efforts in encouraging existing customers to buy more or different products or services. Higher rates suggest successful upselling strategies, as customers are not only staying but also increasing their purchases.

Customer effort score (CES)
Customer effort score (CES)

Average order value (AOV)

This measures the ease of customers’ experience with a product or service. The metric can be used for assessing the effectiveness of customer service, the company website, and instructions for product use.

AOV tracks the average amount spent per order, offering valuable insight into customer spending habits and guiding strategic pricing decisions.

Average order value (AOV)
Average order value (AOV)

Business intelligence dashboards lets you track key metrics and KPIs for customer retention in one, centralized place. They enable instant metric analysis, trend identification, data-informed decision-making, improvements, and evaluation of strategy effectiveness.

Companies, for example, can improve their customer retention strategies using dashboards like the example Customer Satisfaction Dashboard created in Bold BI. This dashboard provides real-time metrics and transforms data into actionable information.

Customer Satisfaction Dashboard
Customer Satisfaction Dashboard

To learn more about customer retention key metrics and KPIs, refer to these BI dashboard demos:

In summary, BI tools enhance customer retention by providing insight into customer behaviors, trends, and preferences, enabling personalized experiences and allowing for engagement strategies that increase satisfaction and loyalty. Check out the following blogs for more on various methods of improving customer retention and advocacy in your organization:

Originally published at on January 10, 2024.



Enos Otieno Juma
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer and content reviewer at Syncfusion.