Track Your Website Conversions and Sources in One Place

Masilamani Chidambaram
Bold BI
Published in
6 min readAug 26, 2019
Track Your Website Conversions and Sources in One Place

A website conversion takes place when a desired goal, such as requesting a demo or registering for a product by filling out a form, has been met by a visitor. The higher the conversion, the greater the sales. Therefore, many companies focus on increasing this website conversion rate through well-aligned marketing strategies and goals. It is necessary for companies to review the results of their different online marketing approaches at regular intervals and make related changes in goals and strategy when needed.

A marketing analyst, CEO, or executive needs a medium through which to monitor the website traffic analytics. Some of these are: how many visitors come in; where they come from; which pages they see; how much time they spend on a page; goal completion; qualified leads; converted leads; and opportunities. An ads campaign performance dashboard would be an ideal solution for this monitoring. In this blog post, let’s see how to track a website’s conversion rate with Salesforce data and traffic sources with Google Analytics data through an ads campaign performance dashboard using Bold BI.

What is Google Analytics and Salesforce data?

Google Analytics is a web analytics service on the web that helps you track and reports website traffic. It allows you to analyze the visitors on your website. It monitors and provides analytic details on website visitor engagement each and every moment and uses them to increase your website conversion rate.

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. CRM helps companies stay connected to customers, understand customer needs, and improve profits. With Salesforce CRM, marketing people can convert qualified leads into contacts, accounts, and opportunities.

To get a complete view of visitor-to-customer conversion, including traffic sources, from an ads campaign performance dashboard, you need to integrate both Salesforce and Google Analytics data into it.

KPIs for website traffic sources and conversions

We’ll consider the following KPIs in the ads campaign performance dashboard to track the customer conversions and their traffic sources.

  • Opportunity by Landing page, Source/Medium and Campaign
  • Conversation Rate by Campaign
  • Opportunity Amount by Campaign, Landing page and Source/Medium

Now let’s start creating an ads campaign performance dashboard with these KPIs like the following.

Ads campaign performance dashboard
Ads campaign performance dashboard

Creating an ads campaign performance dashboard

  1. To create a new dashboard, click the +icon in the navigation bar on the left.
Add button
Add button

2. As a result, the Create Dashboard window opens with four options.

Templates view in Create Dashboard window
Templates view in Create Dashboard window

3. Choose Start from Scratch. A window opens to create a new dashboard. Enter a name and click Add and Design. Finally, the Dashboard Designer page opens with a new blank dashboard created.

A blank dashboard in editing view
A blank dashboard in editing view

Now, let’s see how to prepare data using Bold BI to showcase these KPIs.

Connecting to Google Analytics and Salesforce

Connect to Google Analytics and create a data source named Google Analytics — Campaign with the following URL to get the campaign source/medium details.

Likewise, create a data source named Google Analytics — Landing Page with the following URL to get the campaign Landing Page details.

For more detail on establishing connections with Google Analytics, refer to this documentation.

Connect to Salesforce and create another data source named Salesforce — Opportunities.

To get the opportunities and lead source details, use the following query.

SELECT Name, StageName, Amount, LeadSource, Type FROM Opportunity

This will return the Opportunity table with the following details that you need.

  • Opportunity Name, Stage Name and Amount
  • Lead Source
  • Opportunity Type

For more detail on establishing connections with Salesforce, refer here.

Finally, the created data sources will be added in the DATA SOURCES panel like in the following.

Data source panel listing all data sources
Data source panel listing all data sources

Integrating Google Analytics and Salesforce data sources

To relate the Google Analytics and Salesforce data, you need to create a new data source by joining the already-created two data sources. Bold BI allows you to join tables in two or more different data sources provided they were of extract mode connections. As Google Analytics and Salesforce work in extract mode in Bold BI, let’s create a new data source joining table GA from the Google Analytics — Campaign data source and Opportunity from Salesforce — Opportunities.

Click the edit icon near the Google Analytics — Campaign data source item in the DATA SOURCES panel.

Editing a data source
Editing a data source

Now, the editing view of the data source opens. In the left panel, the Shared Tables pane remains collapsed at the bottom.

Collapsed view of Shared Tables pane
Collapsed view of Shared Tables pane

Finally, this pane displays the data sources that you have permission to access. By default, the data sources you created before for this or any other dashboard will be listed here.

Viewing shared tables
Viewing shared tables

Joining with shared tables

  1. First, choose the data source whose table needs to be joined. In our case, the Salesforce — Opportunities data source needs to be selected. Subsequently, expand it.
  2. After that, drag the Opportunity table into the design view.
  3. Select the Join icon in the toolbar of the table design view to open the join editor.
Opening the join editor for table joining
Opening the join editor for table joining

4. Create a relationship between the two tables through the Campaign and LeadSource columns as shown in the following.

The join editor showing opportunity table relationships
The join editor showing opportunity table relationships

Create an expression column in the Salesforce — Opportunities data source to calculate the opportunity count like in the following.

Expression editor window
Expression editor window

Likewise, edit the Google Analytics — Landing Page data source and join the table with the one under Salesforce — Opportunities.

Finally, the data sources are ready to configure with dashboard widgets.

Configuring data to the widgets in a dashboard

  1. Add the required widgets to the blank dashboard that you created in the beginning.
  2. Configure the widgets in the dashboard with corresponding data sources as described in the following table.
Configuring data to the widgets in a dashboard

Finally, the dashboard is ready. Now you can share this ads campaign performance dashboard with your sales and marketing teams, CEO, and analysts by enabling access permission to it and then simply copying the URL from the address bar and sharing. Refer to this overview for more detail on sharing dashboards.


We hope this article helps you monitor online marketing performance with analytics data from Google Analytics and Salesforce through a dashboard using Bold BI. If you have any questions on this blog, please feel free to post them in the following comment section. To get started with Bold BI, please request a free 30-minute demo with our experts to discuss creating dashboards and any other features you would like to learn more about. You can also contact us by submitting your questions through the Bold BI website or, if you already have an account, you can log in to submit your support question.

Originally published at on August 26, 2019.



Masilamani Chidambaram
Bold BI
Editor for

Masilamani serves as a team leader at Syncfusion with 8 years in BI & analytics, crafts insightful content on cutting-edge BI trends.