Unlocking Insights: Mastering Drill Down Analysis

Enos Otieno Juma
Bold BI
Published in
6 min readOct 31, 2023
Unlocking Insights: Mastering Drill Down Analysis

Elevate your data analysis from basic to brilliant. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up effective drill-down paths, understanding hierarchical structures, and leveraging drill-down techniques to navigate through intricate data layers. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a toolkit of advanced strategies to unlock the true potential of your data.

What is drill down?

Drill down is a data analysis technique used to explore a data set in a hierarchical manner by gradually breaking down aggregated or summarized information into finer levels of detail. This technique allows analysts to delve deeper into the data, moving from high-level overviews to more specific and granular information.

How does drill down work?

The process typically involves interacting with a visualization or reporting tool that supports drill-down capabilities. In the Bold BI application, the following widgets support the drill-down feature: bar chart, column chart, stacked column chart, stacked bar chart, 100% stacked bar chart, 100% stacked column chart, tree map, pivot grid, map, Bing map, and heat map.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Starting Point: You begin with an aggregated or summarized view of the data. This starting point provides an overview of the information you’re analyzing.
  2. User Interaction: To drill down, you interact with the visualization or reporting tool. This interaction can be by clicking on a specific data point or category of interest.
  3. Granularity Increase: When you click on the selected category, the widget responds by revealing a more detailed view of the data-you transition from the initial high-level summary to a more specific level related to your selection.
  4. Repeatable Process: The drill-down process is often repeatable. If there’s further detail available, you can continue to drill down by interacting with the displayed data.

Drill-down often follows a hierarchical structure, moving from broader categories to narrower subcategories. By drilling down, users can discover patterns, trends, outliers, or specific details within the data that might not be evident at the initial high-level view.

When to use the drill-down feature

Using the drill-down feature in data visualizations can enhance your depth of understanding. Here are some circumstances under which you can use it in data visualization:

  • Hierarchical Data Structures: Drilling down can be used to explore hierarchical data structures, allowing users to delve into different levels of the hierarchy.
  • Time-Based Analysis: Drill down into a time series analysis to investigate data patterns at various intervals, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Geospatial Insights: In geospatial visualizations, drilling down lets users examine data at different geographic levels, from a global perspective down to local areas, for regional insights.
  • Anomaly Detection: When anomalies or outliers are identified, users can drill down to view the underlying data points and investigate the causes or contributing factors.

How to configure drill down in widgets in a Bold BI dashboard

Using the following steps, we can enable the drill-down feature in the chart widget. In the following sample, the feature is applied to the product categories to view the products with high sales in each category. Here are the steps:

  • Configure the first column from the Dimensions section of the widget configuration panel.
Configuring first column
Configuring first column
  • Select the second column to be configured, in this case, ProductName. Then, drag and drop the configuration panel. A pop-up to enable the multilevel drill-down feature appears. Click Yes to proceed.
Drill-down pop-up
Drill-down pop-up
  • Click Preview to confirm the effectiveness of the drill-down feature.
Preview drill-down
Preview drill-down
  • Select a category and left-click to navigate to drill-down feature.
Applying drill down
Applying drill down

The drilled-down widget look as follows.

Widget with drill-down feature
Widget with drill-down feature

The benefits of applying drill-down for data visualization

Applying drill-down for data visualization enhances the understanding and insights gained from the data. Following are some other benefits.

  • Granularity: Drilling down allows you to explore data at various levels of granularity, from high-level summaries to detailed specifics, giving you deeper insights.
  • Interactive Exploration: Users can interact with the data, choosing what aspects to explore further, enabling a more targeted understanding.
  • Discover Patterns: Drilling down reveals hidden patterns, trends, or correlations that may not be evident in a static, high-level visualization.
  • Identify Outliers: Drilling down helps you identify outliers or anomalies by focusing on specific data points that deviate from the norm.
  • Contextual Insights: Drilling down provides context, helping users understand the factors contributing to the data trends they observe.
  • Effective Communication: Interactive drill-down visualizations can communicate complex data stories more effectively than static charts, making presentations more engaging.
  • On-Demand Detail: Users can access detailed data when they need it, saving time and reducing the need for separate, overly detailed visualizations.
  • Flexibility: The drill-down feature allows users to pivot or change the focus of analysis on the fly, adapting to evolving questions or requirements.

Use cases of the drill-down feature

Here are some use cases that highlight the practical applications of the drill-down feature in various domains.


In insurance claims analysis, start by examining overall claims data. With drill-down analysis, explore specific claim types or categories, enabling you to identify trends, assess risk, and improve claims processing efficiency.

Drill-down feature in insurance widget
Drill-down feature in insurance widget

Information Technology

In IT project tracking, utilize drill-down analysis to explore milestones and tasks in each milestone while also viewing the estimated and utilized hours for each task in a milestone.

Drill-down feature in information technology widget
Drill-down feature in information technology widget


When analyzing aggregated data in the following healthcare widget, you can utilize drill-down analysis to see what proportion of patients with each complication are each gender. Widgets like this allow researchers to assess treatment effectiveness and resource allocation across various patient groups.

Drill-down feature in healthcare widget
Drill-down feature in healthcare widget


Companies can analyze defect reports in agile development to improve software. Drill down is used in this widget to analyze the number of resolved and unresolved defects by group that reported them.

Drill-down feature in agile development wigdet
Drill-down feature in agile development widget


When examining overall sales data with drill-down analysis, you can dive deeper into the specifics, uncovering product-specific sales trends and identifying top-selling items. This insight empowers you to fine-tune inventory management and promotional strategies.

Drill-down feature in sales widget
Drill-down feature in sales widget

Leveraging Bold BI for effective drill-down analysis

Bold BI is a dynamic data analysis solution with robust drill-down capabilities, allowing users to navigate complex data sets and gain better insight. Its hierarchical structures, user-driven paths, and multi-layered exploration enable intuitive navigation. Real-time data connections inform decisions, and collaborative features facilitate sharing metrics. Bold BI offers a comprehensive solution for effective drill-down analysis, allowing users to dig deeper into data and confidently make informed decisions.

Originally published at https://www.boldbi.com on October 31, 2023.



Enos Otieno Juma
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer and content reviewer at Syncfusion.