Unlocking Real-Time Insights with Edge Analytics

Norman Omondi Ayieko
Bold BI
Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2023
Unlocking Real-Time Insights with Edge Analytics

Data now serves as the bloodstream for a wide range of organization in most sectors. But the sheer amount of data produced has created a new problem: how to quickly evaluate the mass and extract value. Edge analytics is a concept that transforms how we utilize and harness data. In this blog, we will delve into the details of edge analytics. We’ll study what it is, how it’s used, and how it can change businesses in many different fields.

What is edge analytics?

Edge analytics is the process of gathering and evaluating data within the devices that generate it, rather than in a central server. Edge analytics enables businesses to improve real-time insights and decision-making by processing data locally on IoT devices.

Benefits of edge analytics

The following are the benefits of edge analytics in business:

  • Improved operational efficiency: Edge analytics enables organizations to process data locally, reducing computational load on central servers, thereby enabling higher-level tasks to be handled more effectively.
  • Improved decision-making: Edge analytics offers real-time insight into operations and customers, enhancing decision-making, efficiency, productivity, and profitability.
  • Costs: Edge analytics can result in cost savings by reducing data transmission costs, lowering cloud service charges, and reducing reliance on high-speed internet connections.
  • Improved reliability: Edge analytics enhances system reliability by enabling critical functions locally, enabling edge devices to function independently in unstable or failure-prone network connectivity situations.
  • Improved customer experience: Edge analytics enhances the customer experience by enabling businesses to better comprehend and cater to their customers’ needs.
  • Compliance with data regulations: Edge analytics can assist organizations in complying with strict regulations in industries like healthcare and finance by storing and processing sensitive data on-premises.
  • Customization: Edge analytics allows for customization of services or products by analyzing immediate data, thereby providing tailored experiences for users or customers.

Capabilities of edge analytics

Some of the common edge analytics capabilities include:

  • Data preprocessing and filtering: Edge devices can reduce the amount of data sent to the central system by processing it locally.
  • Machine learning:Machine learning techniques can identify patterns, trends, anomalies, and make predictions from a variety of noisy or incomplete data closer to the devices recording it.
  • Streaming analytics:Real-time streaming analytics allows applications like industrial equipment monitoring and fraud detection to conduct real-time data analysis.
  • Natural language processing:Natural language processing (NLP) strategies are used for analyzing text data, including spam filtering, churn prediction, and sentiment analysis.
  • In-memory computing: In-memory computing efficiently processes data in memory, eliminating the need for disk writes, thereby significantly improving performance for high-volume data applications.
  • Approximate computing: Approximate computing enhances accuracy, performance, energy efficiency, and cost by minimizing resource usage and energy consumption.

Challenges of edge analytics

Here are common challenges encountered in implementing edge analytics:

  • Resource constraints: Edge devices often struggle with complex analytics algorithms due to their limited computing power, memory, and storage resources.
  • Network connectivity and reliability: Edge devices deployed in harsh environments with intermittent or unreliable network connectivity can hinder data transmission to the cloud for analysis or model updates.
  • Security and privacy: Edge devices are susceptible to cyberattacks and data breaches, necessitating robust security measures to protect sensitive data and curb unauthorized access.
  • Scalability and manageability: The increasing number of edge devices and data volume at the edge presents challenges in scaling and managing edge analytics deployments.
  • Data quality and noise: Edge devices frequently encounter noisy or incomplete data due to environmental factors, necessitating the implementation of robust algorithms to handle such challenges.
  • Real-time processing requirements: Some applications require near-real-time or real-time processing, which can be challenging to achieve on resource-constrained edge devices.
  • Data management: Edge devices can produce enormous amounts of data, which can be a problem to store. Moreover, it is crucial to prepare and clean data before analyzing it.
  • Deployment and management:Edge devices’ deployment in various locations can pose challenges.
  • Lack of standardization:The absence of a standard method for developing and deploying edge analytics applications makes it challenging for organizations to scale up their adoption.

Tips to implementing edge analytics with BI

Here are some tips to apply edge analytics:

  • Define clear business objectives: Before using edge analytics with a BI tool, define business goals and determine the necessary data for edge analysis.
  • Choose the right BI tool: Selecting the appropriate BI tool, capable of real-time data collection, processing, and analysis, is essential for successful edge analytics implementation.
  • Optimize data collection: Edge analytics needs real-time data collection and analysis to keep its metrics accurate and relevant.
  • Implement security measures: Implementing security measures is crucial for edge devices located outside secure data centers to protect against cyber threats.
  • Leverage BI features: BI features aid organizations in identifying real-time data patterns and anomalies, assisting in data-driven decision-making.
  • Monitor and maintain: Edge analytics needs consistent monitoring and maintenance for data accuracy and device functionality, requiring regular updates and patches for device security and currency.

Real-world applications of edge analytics

Use cases of edge analytics are diverse and can be found in various industries.


Telecommunication companies can use edge devices and analytics to monitor equipment in real time. This helps in identifying issues especially in remote service areas, improving interruptions in network performance and customer experience.

Oil and gas industry

Edge devices and analytics can be used in oil and gas exploration and production. Sensors installed in the drilling equipment can collect and analyze data at the edge, providing real-time insights on equipment performance and potential risks, enabling proactive measures.


Manufacturers can use edge devices and analytics to monitor equipment conditions in real time. They can more easily predict potential defects or breakdowns before they happen, thereby reducing downtime and repair costs. For instance, vibration, temperature, or pressure sensors can continuously collect data. This data is then analyzed on site (at the edge) to detect any anomalies.


In healthcare, edge analytics can be used in remote patient monitoring systems. These systems collect data from various medical devices, analyze the data locally, and provide real-time feedback to healthcare providers. This enables timely intervention and improved patient care.

How Bold BI simplifies businesses connected with edge analytics

Bold BI, a leading business intelligence tool, supports edge analytics by enabling users to collect and analyze data directly from various edge devices. This approach allows for real-time data processing, reducing latency and enhancing decision-making processes.

Bold BI’s advanced analytics capabilities facilitate predictive analysis, trend analysis, and other complex data-processing needs. Furthermore, Bold BI ensures data security and privacy by processing data locally, reducing the need to transmit sensitive information over the network.

In conclusion, edge analytics offers centralized systems relief with a new way to process data, enhancing efficiency, agility, and responsiveness.

Originally published at https://www.boldbi.com on October 18, 2023.



Norman Omondi Ayieko
Bold BI
Writer for

Technical writer and content reviewer at Syncfusion.