Unveiling Diagnostic Analytics Through BI

Marleen Adongo Onyango
Bold BI
Published in
6 min readSep 27, 2023
Unveiling Diagnostic Analytics Through BI

Increasing data volume and complexity challenge organizations to extract insightful information. Mastering diagnostic analytics can unlock the full potential of your data and overcome these challenges. By identifying patterns, anomalies, and relationships within the data, diagnostic analytics helps organizations understand why certain events occurred and provide valuable insights that facilitate effective decision-making and strategic planning for the future. In this blog post, we will look at benefits and best practices for implementing diagnostic analytics in business.

What is diagnostic analytics?

Diagnostic analytics is an advanced strategy that identifies what happened-the underlying causes of events-through techniques like drill-down, data discovery, data mining, and correlations. It helps businesses understand historical performance, spot trends, and make informed decisions for better outcomes.

Benefits of diagnostic analytics

There are various benefits to embracing diagnostic analytics, such as:

Risk mitigation

Users can assess the factors that contributed to risks or failures, helping the business manage and mitigate potential risks in the future. This proactive approach enhances organizational resilience and minimizes the impact of unforeseen challenges.

Risk mitigation
Risk mitigation

Customer insights

Diagnostic analytics can uncover the reasons behind customer behavior, such as churn, purchasing patterns, or preferences. This information aids in tailoring products and services to customer needs, fostering stronger customer relationships and boosting retention rates.

Customer Insights
Customer Insights

Resource allocation

Understanding the factors that influence resource consumption can help organizations optimize their budgeting and resource allocation strategies. This optimization leads to efficient resource utilization, cost reduction, and improved overall operational effectiveness.

Resource allocation
Resource allocation

Competitive advantage

By deeply understanding historical data and performance drivers, businesses can secure a competitive edge by making strategic decisions that their competitors might overlook. This strategic insight enables organizations to position themselves uniquely in the market and seize new opportunities.

Competitive advantage
Competitive advantage

Now, let’s see how diagnostic analytics works.

How does diagnostic analytics work?

Diagnostic analytics delves into the details of historical data to uncover the causes behind observed outcomes. The following figure is an overview of how diagnostic analytics works:

Let’s dive into each stage in detail, applied to the problem of employee turnover:

  • Data collection: This phase involves gathering relevant historical data on employee turnover, including departure dates, reasons, and employee attributes-any information that will be useful to understand patterns and trends.
  • Data preprocessing: In this phase, the collected data is cleaned and organized, resolving inconsistencies and errors, making it ready for analysis to uncover insights about turnover drivers.
  • Data exploration: The preprocessed data is explored using visualizations and statistical tools to identify correlations and patterns that could be contributing to high turnover rates, providing points for further investigation.
  • Root cause analysis: Identified patterns are explored further to uncover the underlying reasons for turnover, such as poor management practices, lack of growth opportunities, or inadequate compensation.
  • Decision-making: The definitive insights into the causes of turnover are used to make informed, strategic decisions to address issues and implement retention strategies effectively.

Challenges to implementing diagnostic analytics

While implementing diagnostic analytics, organizations face various challenges, such as:

  • Quality issues: Diagnostic analytics can be negatively affected by poor data quality, leading to inaccurate analysis and poor decisions.
  • Data privacy and security concerns: When working with historical data, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and protecting sensitive information is crucial. Striking a balance between data usability and privacy can be tricky.
  • Scope and scalability: Determining the appropriate scope of analysis and ensuring scalability as the organization grows can be challenging. What works for a small dataset might not be effective for larger volumes.
  • Communication of results: Presenting complex analytical findings in a vivid and comprehensive manner to non-technical stakeholders is not easy.
  • Complexity of analysis: Diagnostic analytics involves advanced statistical techniques and domain expertise to understand causality accurately. Organizations may face difficulties in finding skilled analysts who can perform these analyses effectively.
  • Causal determination: Identifying true cause-and-effect relationships among variables can be challenging. Correlation does not necessarily imply causation, and determining causality requires careful consideration of contextual factors.

Best practices for implementing diagnostic analytics using BI tools

Implementing diagnostic analytics requires careful planning. The following are some best practices to consider:

  • Outline clear goals: Start by defining clear business goals for implementing diagnostic analytics and understand the specific issues that the business needs to address.
  • Build user-friendly reports: Create clear, concise, and actionable reports that communicate insights effectively to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Use the right statistical techniques: Apply appropriate statistical techniques to test hypotheses and uncover relationships between variables. Techniques like regression analysis, correlation analysis, and analysis of variance can provide insight into causality.
  • Communicate through visualization and reporting: Present findings in a clear, understandable way using data visualization techniques. Interactive dashboards and reports enable stakeholders to explore data, leading to actionable insights and informed decisions.
  • Encourage collaboration: Foster collaboration between data analysts, domain experts, and business stakeholders. Regular discussions ensure that the analysis remains focused on addressing business questions and concerns.
  • Continuously monitor and iterate: Establish a process for continuously monitoring the results of diagnostic analytics.
  • Ensure data security and privacy: Implement proper data governance and security measures. Ensure that sensitive data is only accessible to individuals with the correct authorization by implementing stringent access controls and permissions.

Real-time use cases of diagnostic analytics in various industries

Diagnostic analytics has proven invaluable across industries in real-time scenarios. Here are some industry-specific examples:


In manufacturing, diagnostic analytics improves operational efficiency by swiftly identifying and addressing production disruptions and optimizing equipment maintenance schedules, thereby enhancing overall productivity.


In the energy sector, diagnostic analytics uncovers reasons behind outcomes. If power output unexpectedly falls in a wind farm, real-time sensor data like wind speed, turbine performance, and weather is analyzed. This reveals causes, like a specific turbine issue or less wind. Insights aid adjustments, preventing more production loss.


Diagnostic analytics can optimize education by identifying student performance patterns, highlighting areas of struggle, and fostering success. It allows educators to personalize teaching, provide targeted interventions, and adapt to diverse learning needs. Such data-driven approaches enhance academic achievement, student engagement, and growth.


Diagnostic analytics aids in policymaking and resource allocation in government and public sectors. By analyzing social, economic, and demographic data, government agencies can gauge the impact of their policies and programs, enabling them to streamline operations, optimize resource allocation, and enhance public services.

Empowering diagnostic analytics with Bold BI

Bold BI is a BI tool that provides advanced features to assist in diagnostic analytics. These features include drill-down capabilities, data visualization, data blending and integration, data mining, customizable dashboards, data mashup, and interactive reporting. Let’s dive into these features in detail:

Drill-down analysis

Drill-down analysis in Bold BI is a method for exploring data in detail by breaking down aggregated data. It provides users with the ability to view detailed data from a summary, helping to identify patterns, trends, and root causes of issues.

Data visualization

Data visualization reveals patterns, trends, and relationships effectively. It simplifies understanding of complex datasets, aiding interpretation and informed decision-making.

Data blending

Data blending is a process used in Bold BI to merge and transform data from various sources into a unified dataset, enabling comprehensive analysis despite differing structures, formats, or granularities.

Data mining

Data mining uses specialized techniques and tools to extract valuable information from datasets for informed decision-making, future predictions, and revealing hidden correlations.

Customizable dashboards

Bold BI’s customizable dashboards enable users to adapt their analysis to their business needs, and interactive reporting promotes collaboration and insight sharing. Any user can present key metrics and insights from different data sources in a visually appealing manner.

To summarize, Bold BI features improve the efficiency and accuracy of diagnostic analytics, resulting in improved corporate performance and strategic planning. Leveraging diagnostic analytics helps you convert raw data into actionable insights that enable you to avoid risks and capitalize on opportunities.

Originally published at https://www.boldbi.com on September 27, 2023.

