Embed eSignature Template Creation in Your App with API

Team BoldSign
Published in
4 min readMay 28, 2024
Integrate eSignature Template Creation into Your Application with the BoldSign API Banner Image
Integrate eSignature Template Creation into Your Application with the BoldSign API Banner Image

Templates are predesigned layouts that serve as blueprints for creating new documents. They offer a standardized structure and format, saving time and effort when similar documents are frequently needed. With predefined structures in place, users can quickly generate new documents without starting from scratch. Let’s delve deeper into why embedding template creation into your application can further enhance your document workflow.

Why Embed Template Creation?

Embedding template creation into your application offers several advantages:

  • Seamless Integration: Embedding template creation within your application’s interface allows users to access template creation functionalities without switching between different platforms. This integration enhances the user experience and improves workflow efficiency.
  • Control and Customization: By embedding template creation, you retain control over the template creation process while letting users customize templates to their specific needs.
  • Increased Ease and Accuracy: Embedding template creation streamlines document creation workflows, keeping the template-creating process in familiar systems. It reduces the likelihood of errors or discrepancies when a template can be reviewed once and then just tweaked.

Integration Steps

Follow these steps to integrate template creation into your application using the BoldSign API.

Step 1: API Request for Embedded Template Creation

Utilize the BoldSign API to initiate the creation of an embedded template within your application. Following is an example code snippet demonstrating how to create an embedded template using cURL.

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.boldsign.com/v1/template/createEmbeddedTemplateUrl' \
--header 'X-API-KEY: {Your API Key}' \
--form 'Title="API Template"' \
--form 'Description="API Template Description"' \
--form 'DocumentTitle="API Document Title"' \
--form 'DocumentMessage="API Document Message Description"' \
--form 'Roles[0][name]="Manager"' \
--form 'Roles[0][index]="1"' \
--form 'Roles[0][language]="English"' \
--form 'ShowToolbar="true"' \
--form 'ShowSaveButton="true"' \
--form 'ShowSendButton="true"' \
--form 'ShowPreviewButton="true"' \
--form 'ShowNavigationButtons="true"' \
--form 'ShowTooltip="false"' \
--form 'ViewOption="PreparePage"' \
--form 'Files=@"{Your File Path}"'

Step 2: Customize Template Creation Options

In BoldSign, you can customize various aspects of embedded template creation, including toolbar visibility, button options, and navigation controls. Tailor the template creation experience to your requirements.

Default view
Default view

ShowToolbar: Controls the visibility of the toolbar at the top of the document editor in the template editor.

Default value: false

ShowSaveButton set to false
ShowSaveButton set to false

ShowSaveButton: Determines whether the Save and Close button is displayed in the template editor. Use this button to save the template as a draft for future editing or finalize the template creation process.

Default value: true

ShowSaveButton set to false
ShowSaveButton set to false

ShowCreateButton: Controls the visibility of the Create Template button, which enables users to finalize the template creation process and make the template available for immediate use.

Default value: true

ShowCreateButton set to false
ShowCreateButton set to false

ShowPreviewButton: Determines whether the Preview button is displayed in the template editor. The button allows users to preview the template before finalizing its creation.

Default value: true

ShowPreviewButton set to false
ShowPreviewButton set to false

ShowNavigationButtons: Controls the visibility of the Back button in the template editor. The button enables users to navigate among different sections or pages of the template.

Default value: true

ShowNavigationButtons set to true
ShowNavigationButtons set to true
ShowNavigationButtons set to false
ShowNavigationButtons set to false

ViewOption: Configures the initial view page to be loaded from the generated URL. Users can choose between the Prepare page or Filling page.

Default value: PreparePage

ViewOption set to FillingPage
ViewOption set to FillingPage

ShowTooltip: Determines whether the tooltip is displayed near the assignee field on the Prepare page, providing additional information or guidance to users.

Default value: false

ShowToolTip set to true
ShowToolTip set to true

Step 3: Implementing Customizations

Modify the parameters in the API request according to your desired customizations. Update the Boolean values to either true or false based on whether you want to show or hide the corresponding toolbar elements and buttons. These customizations will help you optimize the user experience within the embedded document and template editors.


By integrating embedded template creation into your application using the BoldSign API, you can empower users to generate templates seamlessly and efficiently within your app’s environment. With customizable options and straightforward implementation, embedding template creation enhances productivity and streamlines document preparation workflows. Start leveraging embedded template creation with the BoldSign API today!

Begin your 30-day BoldSign free trial today and discover how template creation is simplified. We value your comments, so please any you may have below. If you have any concerns or need additional information about our services, please schedule a demo or contact our support team via our support portal.

Originally published at https://boldsign.com/on May 23, 2024.

