Hypernative — CryptoSecOps, stopping zero day web3 cyber attacks, welcome to boldstart

Ed Sim
boldstart ventures
Published in
4 min readJan 30, 2023

As a day one partner for technical founders, we ❤️ to invest in founders building 🏗 the future of enterprise infrastructure including decentralized. Some of our day one investments in crypto infrastructure include companies like Blockdaemon, Fireblocks, Amberdata, and Tres.finance. As the crypto market has grown exponentially, one of the biggest blockers to mainstream adoption still remains security. In the last year, a staggering $14 Billion was stolen from web3 platforms and DeFi protocols with no end in sight. What’s needed is an all-encompassing platform that can not only continuously and accurately predict and alert on hacks before they happen but also provide actionable measures to stop them. This is CryptoSecOps, and this is precisely what Hypernative was built to do, stop zero day attacks for all relevant stakeholders by monitoring both on-chain and off-chain data with sophisticated machine learning algorithms.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that boldstart co-led Hypernative’s $9M initial round of funding with IBI tech fund and joined by strategics Blockdaemon, Alchemy, Borderless, CMT Digital, Nexo and notable angels from the crypto and security space. We’re also excited to partner on day one with another founding team out of 🇮🇱 along with crypto infra co Tres.finance and others notables like Snyk, BigID, Jit, Reco, Cloudquery, and many more.

We first met co-founders Gal Sagie (CEO, founded Cloudigo + sold to IBM Cloud) and Dan Caspi (CTO, formerly CTO Fido + researcher, Microsoft Security) in early 2022 through Dor Lee-Lo at IBI Tech. It was clear from the first meeting that Gal and Dan were experienced builders and operators who knew how to build secure, scalable cloud infrastructure along with big data products that could find anomalies and predict problems in real time. With their love for all things crypto and experience, we believed that they could create a new way to secure digital assets and stop zero day attacks before they happened. While they had some initial ideas of how to solve this problem, the first few months were spent on deep research and back testing.

Today’s a big day as Hypernative is also finally out of stealth with its first product, Pre-Cog. It’s so awesome to see Gal and Dan’s vision become a reality as they are finally publicly shipping a product that has already detected a major number of exploits and helped prevent tens of millions of dollars worth of loss to its customers. The Pre-Cog platform is a combination of both Gal and Dan’s skills, monitoring on and off chain data sources using proprietary machine learning models to accurately predict cyber, economic, governance and community threats before they impact.

Hypernative has learned that alerting without having the capability to react and mitigate the risk is useless which is why it focuses on actionability and accuracy. Hypernative uses historical databases and graph DB’s to cluster and correlate various events, entities, historical context and state in real time in order to deduct and capture all kinds of risks. This in combination with the machine learning models and heuristics helps Hypernative trigger alerts minutes and hours before (Pre-crime) an incident actually damages funds/protocol in a highly accurate manner (Low False Positives) and connect these into orchestrated remediation workflows.

Stakeholders from asset managers to retail users to the protocol’s builders of chains and platforms no longer need to rely on manual and slow processes of security and risk audit without any post deployment monitoring. The time is now to bring cybersecurity tools that are prevalent in web2 and the cloud world to crypto native companies. Kevin from Binance sums it up well below 👇🏼:

Hypernative is the world’s first real-time platform to predict, detect, monitor and prevent zero day attacks on digital assets.

Welcome to the Boldstart family Hypernative and try it out here.

More on the round from TechCrunch.



Ed Sim
boldstart ventures

@boldstartvc your partner from Inception; true believer for developer first, infra & SaaS founders