Moscoso Arquitectura

Nick Kikuchi
Bolivia Internships
3 min readJul 1, 2016

Moscoso Arquitectura is a very interesting company. While doing some amazing work, I just feel like I haven’t done very much. At the same time, I haven’t been able to see their work with my own eyes so what do I know. However, reading their stuff and hearing them talk about their work is really inspiring. They have developed a technique where they mold chicken wire into “sheets of double curvature” and then use something called ferrocement and then apply the cement. They have do add the cement section-by-section or layer by layer in order to get the desired result.

I think the most inspiring thing about this company is actually their philosophy and where they get their own inspiration from. They really look to nature, animals, plants, even things like bacteria for inspiration. They look at their fractal geometry in order to see the smallest components that make up these natural beings, and try to mimic those components in their own work. They even take into account the sun and its position throughout the day and where it will fall in the building, how heat will dissipate throughout the building, etc. They are much more sophisticated than I anticipated them being, and it has given me a lot to think about for my own work. They only bad thing that I can say is that we literally aren’t doing anything and I wish we could actually do things with this company. Sucks that the workers (“los trabajadores”- I learned this word today) are on strike.



Nick Kikuchi
Bolivia Internships

I am currently a junior studying Bioengineering at Santa Clara University and am currently interning for Moscoso Arquitectura in Cochabamba, Bolivia