Camping with Startups-Post Event

Shubham Sarode
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2022

How satisfying does it feel when something you envisioned finally turns into reality, and you see it happening successfully?

Well, that’s exactly how we felt when the event, ‘Camping with Startups, ‘ culminated.

We at Bolstart believe in building a tight-knit community that promotes growth and adds value to the startup ecosystem. With this underlying principle, we went forward with conducting the event, ‘Camping with Startups.’ Through this event, we were exposed to unique ideas and were able to experience some great moments.

This is what we gained from the event; we are sure the other participating founders felt the same.

  1. Never stop learning-There is so much to learn and understand out there; everyone is filled to brim with loads of information about diverse topics; it’s up to us how we engage with them and absorb the information.
  2. Professional people in your network can quickly become your friends and life-long connections if you listen to what they say, understand their issues, and address them logically.
  3. It’s good to take a step back sometimes. During our event, when we were on the island, surrounded by the fantastic views of mountains, and the lake, we came to know that it is necessary to detach yourselves from the fast-paced life of cities and bask in the glory of nature. That is why we actively promote wellness for entrepreneurs.
  4. Have loads of fun!

As we brought the event to a close and contemplated upon it, we felt green as whatever we set out to do was achieved. However, as we mentioned in the first post, we felt red while preparing for the event, yellow during the event, and green once the event got over. So what does this red-yellow-green philosophy, according to Bolstart’s perspective?

Each time during our meetups, we ask the startup founders how they feel about their startup’s health, and they can answer it in three ways:

  1. Red-I think that I am in an awful position and don’t feel like there’s a viable future
  2. Yellow-I think that my startup’s doing good but not performing up to its potential
  3. Green-My startup’s doing exceptionally well

Through this, we try to gauge the perception of the founder of their startup and provide whatever support necessary in the best of our capacities.

Coming on to the event, we feel incredibly humbled by the response and the opportunities we have been presented with post the event. We express heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to making the event a success and look forward to conducting many more exclusive networking events.

You can connect with us through — Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

If you are interested in more articles related to the startup ecosystem, you can find them on our Medium page.

