7 Ways To Dial Up Your Product Page

Published in
5 min readAug 20, 2020

Over the past few months e-commerce has been a lifeline for merchants and shoppers alike. With growing demand, brands are increasing their ad spend to drive traffic to product pages. Arriving on this page however is simply the start of a journey and one that leads to a sale on average two to three percent of the time.

With a background in e-commerce, one of our Campaign Managers, Rebekah McNutt, looks at some ways to give your product a fighting chance.

#1 Hero your call to action

The first step in the conversion process is the add to cart button. It seems simple, but it’s vital this button is locatable and draws the eye in.

Your main call to action must always be in view without needing to scroll on any device. Keep this button free from clutter and emphasised through colour and positioning. While it might be tempting to get creative with wording we’re wired to scan for keywords such as ‘Add To Cart’ or ‘Buy Now’.

Mecca’s ‘Add to Bag’ button is one of the features on the page that uses its brand colour to draw the eye in.

#2 Focus on the detail in imagery

Product imagery is all about making a great first impression. It allows you to make up for the missing tactility of a real life shopping experience.

Motion is one of the best ways to showcase a product’s detail and unique features. In fact Hubspot found 72 percent of customers would prefer to learn about a product by way of video. This could be through a runway video, explainer clip, 360-degree photo or an AR filter. If motion is not possible, photograph your products in a way that shows action, angles, scale, details and allows users to zoom in.

Belroy utilise demo videos along with detailed photography to emphasise security and scale.

#3 Keep product descriptions snappy

The aim of a product description is to answer your customers most common questions and highlight the value proposition. While doing so they need to be super scannable.

Keeping copy succinct and structured will help users overcome any concerns immediately. It is important shoppers can find added detail but it shouldn’t take away from the add to cart button. With this in mind information such as sizing charts, material or FAQs can sit lower and in dropdown tabs.

Allbirds include in-depth detail below the Add to Cart button and in tabs to keep their design uncluttered.

#4 Leverage user-generated content

User-generated content (or UGC) not only displays social proof, it adds more context around use. A study by Yopto found user-generated content to increase conversion rates by 161 percent.

This aspirational content captures how your brand fits into a specific lifestyle. It can create FOMO for prospective customers and a sense of community for your regulars. Hashtag driven feeds can be added to your product pages to populate them with photos shared on social media. As a way of encouraging this content creation, consider an incentive you can then factor into your unboxing experience.

Bailey Nelson re-share posts from customers wearing their glasses onto the relevant product pages.

#5 Capture customer reviews

Reviews add an extra layer of trust and are especially important for new brands. Their prime purpose is to help customers so they need to be both relevant and quickly readable. Including details of the reviewer (such as height or weight) can help to add much needed context. While an in-depth review is great, be sure to capture a key takeaway to highlight and don’t worry whether it is positive or more constructive.

A study by Canvas8 found 55 percent of consumers globally put more trust in a large number of average reviews than a small number of perfect ones. Collecting reviews can be streamlined by setting up an automated email that is sent to a customer in the weeks after their product has arrived. If these emails are created with Google Customer Reviews they can help to boost search rankings and allow star ratings to show in Google Ads.

Glossier asks their shoppers to select a bottom line to be used as a summary.

#6 Offer dynamic payment options

Having to fill out a time consuming form while shopping on the go is a huge barrier. Statista found 30 percent of shoppers will abandon their cart if they have to re-enter credit card information.

Dynamic checkouts allow customers to skip the cart and pay in one click without having to enter card or shipping details. Shoppers can do so by using their preferred payment method such as PayPal or Apple Pay that stores this billing information. While there are over 200 payments methods globally it’s best to focus on the ones your consumers use most.

eCommerce Platform Shopify shows customers their preferred payment method based on past activity.

#7 Make shipping costs clear

There’s one final and most influential element when it comes to making a purchase and that is shipping. Visitors need clear and detailed shipping information before they even add to cart.

If shoppers meet any unexpected surprises while checking out they will simply drop off. Showing the expected delivery rate and time on product pages manages expectations. Added shipping costs are the main deal breaker. In fact shoppers are on average 69 percent more likely to purchase when free shipping is available. Let shoppers know when they have qualified for free shipping or how much more they need to spend to get there.

Minor Figures alerts shoppers when they qualify for free shipping through a bold banner at the top of each page.

While any of these tips alone are effective, a winning product page is one that balances them all and keeps your unique customer front of mind. With your product pages tuned up you can then turn your focus to campaign creative that marries up for a seamless experience from ad click to add to cart.

Rebekah McNutt is a Digital Campaign Manager at Bolster. Get in touch with us at hello@blstr.co to chat about how we can help you create a winning product page.




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