The Women Of Bolster

Published in
9 min readMar 7, 2018

For International Women’s Day we thought you might like to learn from the women that keep the Bolster wheels turning. And if you need a some tunes to spice up your life, we can help with that too.

The celebration of women or women in music should not be restricted to a single day, but celebrated every day. It’s important to remember that gender is a spectrum and acknowledging and celebrating the lives, work and music of gender diverse people everywhere is equally as important. We feel honoured to be inspired by so many women and gender diverse individuals every day, be it through our work, in our lives or through music. We want to celebrate their achievements every day.

Paige X. Cho — Strategy

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

My role has very recently changed so I’m now across Bolster’s campaigns in a more strategic role.

But before this, I was a Digital Campaign Manager, handling digital strategy and advertising for clients. Some of the campaigns that have come across my desk over the past few months include Splendour in the Grass, Falls Festival, Laneway Festival, The xx, Queens of the Stone Age, Sia and London Grammar. When I’m not banging away at my keyboard, I can usually be found microwaving tofu, making instant coffee (don’t judge) and watering the Bolster jungle.

2. How did you get started in the industry?

I was weirdly working in the diamond industry (as you do) but figured that being a music journalist would be more fun. I ended up writing for Beat Magazine, FasterLouder and MTV for a few years as a directionless 21-year-old, and also started a music blog called Paper-Deer. Over the past decade, I’ve also done my time at a couple of record labels, and been in a handful of marketing/advertising/comm roles before I came to Bolster almost three years ago.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

Ignore everyone who tells you women can’t be in bands or work in the music industry. There will be quite a few, and they’re all wrong ;)

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

Hands down, my mum. She’s always taught me that if I’m complaining or stressed about something, I need to break down the problem and figure out how to fix. And if it’s something that I have no control over, fucking forget about it. Still learning to do that, but thanks Mum.

(Side note — she works at a non-profit organisation, helping new migrants and refugees settle into a new life in Australia. Which I think is pretty badass.)

Cat Rewha — Digital

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

Learning and getting excited all the time.

I’m a Digital Campaign Manager which involves a lot of data analysis, pulling ideas from that data, and then trying to find new ways to reach people that will connect with those ideas (after convincing clients to take the leap with us).

At the desk, it looks like emails, spreadsheets, phone calls, and talking to the computer screen like it’s a person you’re about to break up with — but it does run deeper than that.

2. How did you get started in the industry?

It was a little bit two-fold. I narrowed my studies into ethnomusicology at uni, so I did a lot of free work researching and writing about music culture.

I’m also a bit of a tech and data geek so I started working in digital performance for that big, global brand life. I was lucky to learn from people that lived and breathed digital performance so it was a good place to sink in for a few years. Then I saw that I could merge music, data and tech at Bolster and now here we are.

If you’re just starting out, I think it’s good to do both. Take the learnings from the big guns, but always keep the dream alive.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

Don’t wait around for permission, just seek forgiveness later. There’s always going to be someone that says ‘no’ to you but just stay honest to who you are, what you want and where you want to go. Keep working at it because good things take time.

That being said, don’t be self-righteous. You’re only as good as the person next to you, so always keep learning and listen more than you talk.

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

Solange Knowles. She’s 100% in control of her work. She’s a mother, an activist and a raw, unapologetic artist that pushes the boundaries. Her essay “And Do You Belong? I Do” followed by the release of her album A Seat At The Table a few years ago was a meaningful and impactful body of work.

What. A. Woman.

Lauren Mitchell — Digital

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

Bopping at my desk, rising to my rightful status as supreme overlord card shark of Bolster and churning out sass like other people exude carbon dioxide. First and foremost however, I’m a Digital Campaign Manager. I work across Sugar Mountain, Gaytimes, Laneway Festival, Secret Sounds Tours and releases from the wonderful humans at Remote Control Records (to name a few). Sometimes I bring in cookies too.

2. How did you get started in the industry?

Worked a million volunteer jobs, said yes to every internship, squeezed in every last minute editorial opportunity. I had wonderful, encouraging people around me that led me down the garden path. Now I work in an office that has a disco ball. Dreams do come true.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

Don’t take shit from people and always speak up. People can’t know what you want or how you feel unless you tell them so. Stand up for yourself and always stand up for other people when you believe it to be the right thing.

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

My grandmother — sweet, generous and whip smart. But be warned, if you bite, she’ll bite back (literally). And Alice Coltrane, ‘cos she went deeeeeeeeep.

Zoe Featherstone — Creative

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

Herding cats mostly. As the group producer for our creative team, I’m lucky enough to work across a pretty diverse range of output alongside our designers, developers and content team. No two days are the same.

2. How did you get started in the industry?

A very kind person took a chance on me when I was looking for work in London (moons ago) so I started out as a Brand Manager for an agency that represented both emerging and established labels. My field of study wasn’t directly tied to production but I was definitely harbouring an insatiable curiosity and an eagerness to learn. It all just daisy-chained from there.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

My mother, because she’s a hurricane.

Kate Wills — Digital

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

I am part of the digital team at Bolster. When we aren’t trafficking, optimising or pulling insights and reports we like to indulge in a game of cards or a round of Giphy tennis.

2. How did you get started in the industry?

A background in economics and marketing + a love of music + a move from South Africa = Kate working at Bolster.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

Keep your eyes open. There are so many incredible jobs out there — take the risk and go after them… It’s not worth doing a job that you don’t love.

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

My boss of a granny, Colleen! I got my middle name from her (and I’m pretty stoked about it). She’s tough as nails, witty as all hell and the warmest person I know — I hope I grow up to be just like her. ❤️ u gran!

Aydin Rahmi — Accounts

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

Manage all things $$$, attempt to keep the office running smoothly and any other tasks that get thrown my way. №1 mission would have to be nagging the Zacca Bros.

2. How did you get started in the industry?

Got started in the industry working at a music and tech start-up as a Management Accountant, I later moved into Content & Curation within the same company before finding my way to Bolster.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

Don’t try and have it all figured out. Follow your curiosities, it’ll lead you to what you’re meant to be doing.

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

Might sound cliché but I can’t go past my ultimate kickass queen… Mum! Her unconditional love and support, values she’s instilled in me, hard work ethic and selfless nature are just a few of the hundreds of reasons she’s my greatest inspiration of all.

Tianna Harris — Social

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

Eating a lot of fruit and nut mix. Also, planning and creating content for a variety of clients and more community management then are hours in the day. And staying educated about the moving goal post that is social media.

2. How did you get started in the industry?

The oldest tale in the book… I was a merch girl. BUT a very dedicated merch girl. I used to write customer feedback for the band (not enough XLs, “Frisbees are way cool”, etc.). From there, I volunteered my way up to the lower-middle tier of the festival food chain and took every internship advertised on Pedestrian.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

Don’t let yourself forget why you chose music. If you’re burning out from too much work, take a step back. If you’re going to gigs without watching the gig, take a step back. And if you’ve stopped falling asleep to Sufjan Stevens — DELETE NETFLIX IMMEDIATELY! Get yo’ pulse back girl, and the rest will come.

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

Jack River, AKA Holly Rankin, who is a singer and a half but also a total powerhouse who organises incred events and advocates for women in music. And my co-worker Lauren, who will hate this, but who is the best kind of tough I know.

Lauren Benezra — Brand

1. How do you spend your days at Bolster?

I work across the brand side of things as an Account Director so it’s pretty varied from managing client requests, taking in new briefs to pulling together costs or a production plan. Essentially, making things happen :)

2. How did you get started in the industry?

I started off back in the UK interning at a couple of different music publications and advertising agencies, then worked my way up in adland working across entertainment-related campaigns.

3. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self about getting to a job that you love?

Find a mentor outside of your work who will help you grow.

4. Name a kickass woman who’s inspired you and why?

Can I pick five? THE SPICE GIRLS (no jokes). I grew up learning the importance of friendship (make it last forever, friendship never ends), to know your self-worth (easy V don’t come for free, she’s a real lady) and thinking that girls can be sassy and independent (set your spirits free, it’s the only way to be). GIRL POWER.




Entertainment and culture marketing specialists. We build world class campaigns and content for brands to connect with and grow their audiences.