7 Mistakes to Avoid While Moving Your IOT Projects from an Idea into Reality

Pranav Pai Vernekar
Bolt IoT
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2017
Image Source http://blog.arconnet.com

Internet of things is the usage of computing devices via internet. The internet connection is embedded in everyday objects making human life way too easy. Internet of things has helped replacing monotonous jobs that require high level precision. Its usage on various forms in our daily life cannot be denied and it serves for more crucial roles as well.

There are no doubts smart devices have replaced all technological advances that happened last decade. Today’s hyper active screenagers is much into creating internet of things with the entrepreneurial boom. We have already reached a stage which seemed impossible few years back.

If you’re an IOT entrepreneur looking for a check list, here is a list of 7 things you need to know before you start your IOT project:

1. Business Perspective — Viability

Is your IOT project solving a specific problem or creating a need for it. If it isn’t doing either of these, then you need to reconsider your objectives. Most of the time developers are immensely focused on adding the technology to the system that they may hindsight whether its required or not. Is there is a need for it or no. Internet of things should be used if the system that’s been worked upon requires data collection remotely, processing some real-time data or remote control system etc.

Checking whether the idea is business Viable is the first thing that will cover more than half your journey.

2. Business Perspective — Return on Investment

Internet of things may take the system from 0 to 1 but does that define the amount of cost incurred in the process. Will you be getting the anticipated returns or the system is cost effective without IOT integration? Generally, the elements that go into the making of IOT are pay per use basis making it low on initial costs. And a pilot testing can easily measure its profitability.

3. The Core –Augment Development Platform

With internet of things one will always need to augment existent platform with holistic tools that support the entire product life cycle till deployment and beyond.

Taking help of trusted platforms such as BOLT is better than building the entire system from scratch. It leaves ample of time for you to focus on the customers and users.

4. The Core — Is your product Interoperable

Interoperability defines the ease of your product connectivity to other products. While it may seem basic to have connectivity between the core product and other devices it will be difficult to make connections between random devices. Internet of Things is built to solve multiple problems and make life easier. However, it seems possible only when multiple efforts are put in one single direction rather than attempting to create a disruptive solution each time.

5. The Aftermath — Monitoring the Device Health

Internet of things need to be built such that it can be monitored and updated timely with scope for improvement. Internet of things industry is still an evolving industry and not keeping any scope for maintenance or improvements can be hazardous. IOT needs to be built, rebuilt, modified and continually maintained to meet changing demands. With every modification and updating your project capabilities should be taken one notch up. Every updated or modified system must be integral to the original system. So, building a project that’s transformable with given times and needs.

6. The Aftermath — Privacy Gate keeping

There are always 2 options that developers face either convenience or privacy. Most of the time ending up with the choice of convenience can put lot of threat on data privacy. Its capacity of having intriguing, highly confidential data on who is using it is like a double edged sword. This, if deciphered well can give solutions to problems and if in wrong hands can lead to unaccountable sum of losses. The future of Internet of things at least in Privacy field seems to be bleak with governments moving towards legal precedents to obtain data from these devices putting much to debate.

7. Third World Problems

IOT success in an economy is defined by its social development. With constant endeavours of making IOT affordable to average and low income households. None the less shortcomings such as internet connectivity and basic technology services is still a challenge in some large economies. There are governments working relentlessly towards getting these basic infrastructures in place.

With government in picture it’s given that stringent policy structures will be put in place. This will add a new dimension to the IOT future.

Still none of this will prepare you for what the Internet of things projects can throw at you. Changing, adapting, modifying and being persistence are the only things that will take your project places.

In case you’re looking for a partner to build an IOT product with end to end solutions, we at Bolt IOT will be glad to connect. Click here to schedule an appointment with one of our IoT experts who will help you make the right choices for your IoT requirement: https://www.boltiot.com/app/consult.php



Pranav Pai Vernekar
Bolt IoT

Founder at @inventrom, an Internet of Things Startup. Inventors of Bolt IoT platform. www.boltiot.com