Smart Transportation & Smart Waste Management

Anjana Warrier
Bolt IoT
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2017

Smart transportation

Ever-increasing population is giving rise to more number of vehicles on the road. The excessive use of transportation infrastructure is increasing congestion and costing billions of dollars in lost time and wasted fuel. Many cities have begun smart transportation initiatives to optimize their public transportation routes, create safer roads, reduce infrastructure costs, and alleviate traffic congestion as more people move into cities.

IoT can make transportation more efficient and help us get from place to place more quickly.

With smart transportation via IoT connected transportation assets the following things could be achieved:

  1. Reduction in congestion by monitoring and controlling traffic lights.

2. Smart lighting and security monitoring systems could be provided for city streets.

3. Alerts can be sent to drivers and emergency responders on route conditions and then offer alternative routes.

4. Smart parking solutions could be provided that can identify and communicate to drivers about available spaces in real time.

5. Reduction in fuel consumption and harmful vehicle emissions.

6. Improvement in safety for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.

7. Identification of structural health and issues of bridges, roadways and tunnels.

An example of efficient transport system in a city could be of Paris, which launched an electric-car sharing program called Autolib in 2011 that uses sensors inside the connected vehicles to track them by GPS. And drivers can use the car’s dashboard to reserve public parking spaces in the city. Programs such as this make use of connected vehicles to gather valuable data on how drivers operate their cars and where they travel, and smart cities use this data to better plan their roads.

Following is a link to a video on how you can use Bolt IoT platform to build parking controlling system which itself manages the parking traffic in shopping center.

Park It Here — Built on Bolt IoT

Smart Waste Management

One of the main environmental concerns today is the solid waste management which in addition to disturbing the balance of the environment also has adverse effects on the health of the society. The detection, monitoring and management of waste is one of the primary problems of the present era Manually keeping track of pickup routes and fill-levels are expensive and time-consuming procedures. IoT companies look at the waste crisis as both a challenge and as an opportunity to invent solutions that will reduce costs and increase efficiency.

The ultrasonic level sensor is one type of sensor that IoT companies have put to good use. Initially designed to measure slurries and liquids, several businesses and municipalities are applying the sensor to measure solid waste as well. It is a radar system that tracks the amount of garbage in a trash can. This data could be used to reduce transportation costs involved in going to collect trash from localities that have partially filled trash cans or empty trash cans.

Also in today’s world, people are often too “lazy” to walk ten extra steps to the trash can and they litter their surroundings with plastic bottles, cans and glass. Here is a project built on Bolt to motivate people to walk till the trash can. An Intelligent Trash can that will actually pay people for throwing recyclable trash like glass and plastic in them.

Intelligent Trash Can — Built on Bolt IoT

The trash can aims to achieve three fold benefits:

1. Reduce the plastic pollution in the environment.

2. Pay the people to clean up the society so they get motivated.

3. Manage the entire waste transportation smartly. The dustbins will communicate when they are about to reach their capacity, a dumper can collect the waste and deposit it to bid dumping areas. In this way the dustbins will be usable with out any garbage falling outside of them.

4. Get a trash full of JUST recyclable materials — glass bottles and plastic! Segregation of wastes into recyclable and non recyclable materials is one of the worst problems of cleaning up huge dumping grounds, and here we get people to do it themselves!

We also have many products developed in the same segment which we plan to launch in the near future. If you are looking to build an IoT product or looking for an end to end IoT solution for your company? I will be glad to speak to you and guide through the process. Please fill this short form at to schedule a call.

