Bot #13 — Wikiwikiwiki Bot

Katie Cerar
Boltmade’s 31 Days of Bots in May
2 min readMay 13, 2016

Are you ever in an argument with your friends in a group chat and want to prove you’re right? Do you ever just want to quickly look something up in wikipedia without having to switch apps?

Wikiwikiwiki Bot is your gateway to that dream! As the name might suggest, you can use this bot to search wikipedia!

It’s our 13th bot in our campaign to create 31 bots in May. Hopefully this one isn’t unlucky!

Check it out on Kik with username “wikiwikiwikibot” or at

This bot is part of our plan to release 31 bots in May. Check out our other bots at

If you have any other ideas for bots we should make, tweet us @boltmade.

