XIO Network: Alternative Crowdfunding and Growth System for Early Stage Blockchain Startups

Zachary Dash
Blockzero Labs
Published in
6 min readJul 15, 2019

On January 15th, we launched an idea into the world. Five months later, that idea turned into a $10M project.

There was no ICO. There was no external investment. We didn’t rely on capital and to this day, we have never spent a single dollar on marketing.

Today we are announcing XIO, a blockchain startup network to help other projects do the same: launch innovative, original, and experimental ideas into the decentralized world with little to zero capital.

The Half-Life of Money

In the game of Monopoly, it is a common game theory that you need money to make money. In most businesses, upfront capital is required to invest in, acquire, or build a bigger empire.

However, the invention of the internet turned everything upside down. The cost of creation is exponentially decreasing and the upside of innovation is increasing at scale.

Our expenses no longer have to be allocated to physical stores or expensive hardware. Instead, computers move the burden of cost away from capital intensive items to less measurable forms of currency: time, energy, talent.

The ICO Paradox

With a creative combination of code, strategy, and novel ideation; anyone from around the world can start a tech company out of thin air.

However, while the internet provides a more even playing field, blockchain technology added an extra layer of expedition to the ever-evolving puzzle of efficiency.

The Crypto Kickstart

The introduction of ICO’s (Initial Coin Offerings) gave individuals a platform to share their vision with the world, attain the needed capital, and avoid the traditional route of angel investors or VC firms. It was like Kickstarter on steroids. However, this quickly became paradoxical in nature.

During my time at a blockchain-based marketing agency in 2018, we had over 75+ clients. Ironically, 90% of these companies were pre-ICO companies, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to launch an Initial Coin Offering. Yes — hundreds of thousands of dollars for the opportunity to possibly raise future capital and eventually build a product.

Outside the world of blockchain, 75% of venture-backed startups fail. Within the blockchain world, the numbers are even worse. Despite over $13,000,000,000 in public capital allocated to the decentralized world in the first half of 2018 alone, over 1000 projects are now dead.

We don’t believe the ICO model is dead, but we definitely believe it has some inherently misaligned objectives and obstacles to overcome.

  • Motivation: Non-cryptocurrency companies have to put in years of blood, sweat, and tears to potentially one day get acquired or IPO. Many ICO projects are financially rewarded in some manner before ever actually building anything.
  • Product: Non-cryptocurrency companies find product-market fit, then raise capital. Many ICO companies spend multiple years developing a product without ever asking, or attempting to ask, does the world really want this?
  • Legal: Non-cryptocurrency companies have very clear legal restrictions and guidelines. Many ICO companies are under a heavy amount of legal scrutiny and uncertainty, especially in the US.

An Alternative ICO System

In the decentralized world, we believe money is nothing more than a middle-man between ideas and innovation. Money will no longer be a pre-requisite, but rather the result of successful execution and value creation. Plain and simple, money is the output of value into the world, not the input.

We believe there are alternatives paths to success. Raising upfront capital will always be an avenue, but we are focused on a different reality of value first creation.

The XIO Standard

One of the items we are most fascinated with the launch of our original project (Bomb Token) was not the deflationary nature, but the distribution process itself. Without taking any money, we launched our idea to the world and gave our tokens away for free.

Rather than telling the world what your company is worth, you let the market decide your value. This new concept enables the fastest way to find out if your idea has a true need/demand and creates consistently aligned motivations and benefits over an ICO.

  • Expedites the process of finding out if your idea is worth building.
  • Decreases wasteful resources of time, energy, and effort.
  • Enables an immediately passionate community from day one.
  • Aligns your development roadmap with that of the token holders.
  • Creates a continuous feedback loop of external input and improvements.

XIO is an alternative system in which to launch ideas into the world, at scale.

What do Startups Get?

Blockchain is built on the premise of anti-censorship, open-opportunity, and the continuous search for unified-consensus. Despite this grand vision, the process of taking creative ideas to market is an uphill battle. This is why we created XIO and this is what we aim to fix.

In an effort to provide innovative minds and teams the marketing, partners, and liquidity to succeed; XIO is an exploratory incubator that enables anyone to launch their ideas into the world with zero upfront capital.

We believe in solving for X: the undiscovered, underdeveloped, and unresolved obstacles within the blockchain industry.

Although we have an extreme passion for projects in the idea phase, the XIO model will be compatible and support projects in all stages.

From a one-person developer who has no business background to a 25 person startup team with a working project; we plan to provide a platform to assist anyone to take their idea to the next level.

The Partners

While today is the first day to publicly announce XIO, we have been collecting an all-star team of projects and partners to help bring this vision into reality. The image below shows just some of our amazing supporters who will help us provide the framework and resources to launch ideas into the decentralized world.


XIO tokens are used to stake and support early-stage blockchain startups. For your efforts in launching projects into the decentralized world, XIO Citzens receive exclusive access to altcoins of the future. To be eligible for XIO tokens, you must be an XIO Citizen.

We are XIO

We believe the ability to impact the world should not be measured by where you live or who you know, but rather: Passion. Creativity. Execution.

We believe in converting those who think to become those who do. We believe in creating a path from idea to innovation with as little friction as possible.

BOMB started as a social experiment to create a deflationary currency, and it still is. But at the core of it, we found a common characteristic within our community: A curiosity for more.

More innovation. More opportunity. More experimentation.

This is what we are enabling with XIO. If you have an idea that you want to bring to reality but don’t have the capital, connections, or community to launch; we want to work with you. Submit your application at xio.network

