You Are A Light

half truths
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2015

In case no one has reminded you recently…

…you are a light.

Not a feeble light fading in the darkness and not a small spark hiding in a corner. But, a brilliant star created for the purpose of burning bright on a hilltop. A reminder to all that Hope is here.

The task of changing the world for the better is not reserved for a chosen few. For those other people. You have a mind like no one else. You have thoughts and ideas uncommon to any other man or woman. You can create waves that no one else can. You not only have the capability, but also the responsibility to do brilliant things. If you keep your talents, ideas and works to yourself, you’re cheating the rest of us out of witnessing and experiencing your greatness! And, how selfish is that?

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half truths

I want to write the words I wish were written for me. For those dark moments I kept to myself and insisted on standing alone — even though I never really was.