Women of Bond Series: Vasundhara Chetluru

Amanda Kilmer
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2020

The second installment of our Women of Bond Series goes to our Principal AI Engineer, Vasundhara Chetluru. She is an ex-experimental particle physicist and a mom of two — along with being a leader on the Engineering team here at Bond.

Vasundhara Chetluru, Principal AI Engineer at Bond Financial Technologies

Why did you choose to work at Bond?

Vasundhara Chetluru (VC): Financial inclusion is key to solving many issues faced by humanity today. Bond’s mission of providing a platform for financial inclusivity is the reason I joined Bond. In my previous career as a high energy experimental particle physicist, I worked on problems that asked fundamental questions in science. At Bond, I get to solve problems that could fundamentally change lives.

How are you adjusting to the work from home reality?

VC: At Bond, we anticipated the work from home well ahead of time and we were one of the first companies to implement a work from home policy. That strategy has helped us adjust to the pace of working from home more organically. Personally for me, as a mother of two young kids, it has been an adjustment but my colleagues at Bond have made it very easy by normalizing the fact that kids are in the background.

Your favorite activity or thing about the Bay Area?

VC: Hiking, as the Bay Area has a lot of good trails that offer exquisite views once you reach the summit. Also to go out and explore local restaurants throughout the Bay Area as we have unique restaurants that serve specialty foods from various regions in the world. Eager to get back out and support those restaurants again once it is safe to do so!

What did you want to be when you grew up and why?

VC: Growing up, I wanted to be a pilot. Flying represents independence and a human’s ability to solve a complex problem. I have always been fascinated with airplanes and being able to touch the clouds while flying.

Name a woman who has had the most impact on your life and why.

VC: My grandmother, Rajya Lakshmi. She grew up in a conservative family during troubled times. Later in her life, in spite of her circumstances, she helped a lot of women from broken families achieve independence during the time when divorce was looked down upon in India.

Take a minute to promote or highlight some of your favorite women in leadership.

VC: I am humbled to have worked with many inspiring women in my life such as Vivian O’Dell, Seema Sharma, Pratima Jindal, and Pooja Sarda.



Amanda Kilmer

Executive Business Partner @ Bond Financial Technologies.