Eat the Bones

by P.T. Logos

Nate Ragolia
Boned: A Collection of Skeletal Writings
3 min readApr 4, 2017


Etching by J. van de Velde II, 1626. Creative Commons via Wikipedia: Some rights reserved.

“Eat the bones,” she said through flames’ heat.
“Forget the skin, and forget the meat.”
“But why?” I asked with teeth unable to chew
Through meat, into bones, I hadn’t a clue.

“You seek, you ask, you wonder why?
The bones, the center, will make you cry.
To delight, to devour, the most pure
The bones will show you — provide the cure.”

I stared at the pile and tried to surmise
After all the command seemed so unwise.
“I deny, I doubt, I have to consider.
After all, the taste, it may be bitter.”
I looked towards the darkness enveloping the night
And the stars strewn about, oh so bright
The white of the moon set aglow
The white of the bones laying below
The wind sang softly through the trees
And through the voices she did decree,

“You seek, you ask, you wonder why?
The bones, the center, will make you cry.
To delight, to devour, the most pure
The bones will show you — provide the cure.”

I fought the words as they sounded absurd.
I searched for a truth I hadn’t heard.
She did not beg, she did not plea.
Only through words, she urged me to see.
I looked at the bones and felt disgust
This crazy witch, I could not trust
Why she insisted, I did not know
She repeated words, which seemed for show.

“You seek, you ask, you wonder why?
The bones, the center, will make you cry.
To delight, to devour, the most pure
The bones will show you — provide the cure.”

I stood moments longer, near ready to obey
When it happened so quickly, I’m afraid to say.
The bones leapt up and formed a creature so foul
I screamed, I cried, I started to howl.
I felt the monster tear into my bones
It devoured me there, right over some stones.
Although I was dead I could somehow still see
The creature became man, now free to flee
Looking back, over time, I became aware
She was never talking to me, she did not care
It was the bones, you see, that she wanted to save,
Now I lay stranded thrown into a cave.
Dark magic’s strong power had played a part.
Now I lay empty, devoid of a heart.
Thinking too much brought about my demise
I should’ve eaten the bones — given her the surprise
But soon, I know, I’ll have someone draw near
And I’ll eat their bones in spite of the fear.
I’ll repeat the words until the right time,
Now I must say, they sound simply sublime:

“You seek, you ask, you wonder why?
The bones, the center, will make you cry.
To delight, to devour, the most pure
The bones will show you — provide the cure.”

Eat the bones!

“Daydreamer, author, futurist, eater of worlds. Buy my books and eat worlds with me.”
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Nate Ragolia
Boned: A Collection of Skeletal Writings

Author of There You Feel Free. Creator of the Illiterate Badger and Lark & Robin web comics, and occasional chatterer on music, film, &c.