ICT Utilization Spurs Productivity For Civil Society Organisations

Stellia Zulu
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2019

Technology enables Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to effectively and efficiently deliver their services and help them to reach more people.

ICT has become an integral part of our lives and has shifted how organisations conduct their work. As a matter of fact, ICT is a phenomenon that is quickly evolving and is definitely here to stay!

In order to remain competitive, efficient and maximise impact, organisations have to place ICTs at the core of their operations and should continue to seek ways of improving how they incorporate ICTs in their day to day operations.

Our tech experts always come in handy in ensuring that our clients realise the full benefits of placing ICTs at the core of their daily work.


The client was interested in making sure the CSOs it supported effectively harnessed the power of ICTs to scale their impact in advocacy work. They wanted an intervention that would ensure that ICTs are fully exploited by the CSOs and at the same time, cater to their individual ICT needs.


BongoHive Consult team developed and conducted a survey on ICT needs with the results aggregated to highlight gaps in ICT use. To obtain accurate results through observation, the survey was conducted in person, and a workshop was conducted to further discuss the results of the survey.


After BongoHive Consult explored the ICT challenges, the client has had a clearer understanding of the ICT gaps in the organisations they support and an assessment of the priorities and capacities in terms of addressing these. The immediate feedback was that 70% of the participants said their understanding of ICT use in their core work had improved. 90% said they anticipated that the workshop would have an impact on their organisation in terms of ICT utilization.

ICTs are critical in meeting organisational goals. BongoHive Consult Masterclasses can help you with the specific ICT skills you need to improve productivity in your business.

Would you like to work with us? Email us: contactus[a]bongohive.co.zm or call: +26 095 301 7526



Stellia Zulu

Digital Content Creator at BongoHive Technology and Innovation Hub